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  1. P

    shet tale yojna

    Rain water harvesting & water storage for dry land development. Maharastra government has been declaring the scheme of shettale for poor farmer. Under maharstra gramin rojgar hami yojana You can use machine to dug shettale if you have a labors problem The subsidy is available for different size...
  2. P

    Goat Farming Feed

    I have arranged for pureline boer bucks. But I need help in osmanabadi goats, where should i purchase them? What should i check to see if they are pureline except the papers? What will be approximate price for one goat of pureline?
  3. P

    Hydroponic Fodder machine

    Dear Sir, Firstly the link you posted doesnt posses a video. And i really want to know that what is a hydroponics machine for fodder production? Is it a setup for preparing hydroponics fodder? Please mail me a quote and attach a picture of it
  4. P

    rabbit forming

    Dear Sir, First prepare your mind about which breed you want to go with. I would suggest to rear german angora rabbits. They yield both wool and meat. You can get Rs.150/kg rate for meat and around 1000 to 1500 grams of wool anually. Contact me at for more info...
  5. P


    Dear Miss, Is there any brush cutter available which can be added to a tractor or can cut more grass than the regular ones do?
  6. P

    Interested to know more about automated plant in poultry and horticultre

    Dear Sir, Depends upon what breed you go for. I suggest you to go for desi hen farm. You can get better income compared to the broiler breeds. Also I would suggest you to go for the kadaknath breed. Due to its uniqueness and the more healthy properties it has a good demand. You can do a little...
  7. P

    diary firm

    U can go for your surname/village name gaushala or look for local names for cow or sanskrit names for cow. These all are good for letting people to think that your dairy firm provides un-adultrated and hygenic milk or milk products. Best Luck for your dairy buisness. With best regards.
  8. P

    Small onion seeds production

    Dear Sir, I belong to Beed District of Maharashtra state. I can provide land for seed production. Please contact me on
  9. P

    Goat Farming Feed

    Also I am thinking of going with boer bucks and osmanabadi does with cross breeding. Would it help? With what concerns? Will it improve quality and weight increasing capacity of the baby goats? Or will it have any adverse effect?
  10. P

    Goat Farming Feed

    Hi, I am going to start a goat farm of 500 osmanabadi goats. I would like to know the feeding structure. Also i would like to know what and in what quantity fodder crops should I cultivate being fully self-dependent on feeding the goats. With best regards.
