Search results

  1. E

    eucalyptus and poplar plants cultivation and yield

    INDIA PLANTATION ORGANISATION We do plantation in India .we integrate eucalyptus plantation have more then 50,000 farmers across India . We are organisation based in mumbai exporter of safeda wood , wood timbers and timber wood products like timber boards, timber logs, board ply...
  2. E

    Eucalyptus ,poplar clone plants and cultivation by india plantation organisation

    EUCALYPTUS AND POPLAR plantation INDIA PLANTATION ORGANISATION We integrate Eucalyptus and poplar plantation in Andhrapradesh, Gujrat, Himanchal, Haryana, Punjab, Uttarakhand, Tamilnadu, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Rajasthan, Uttarpradesh...
  3. E

    Eucalyptus cultivation and all information by india plantation

    EUCALYPTUS PLANTATION WITH BUY BACK AGREEMENT INDIA PLANTATION Eucalyptus are generally moderately large trees and attain a height of 40-60 feet and diameter of 40-45 inch. The trunk of the tree is generally straight and constitute half of the total height.wood is buy back with rate of...
  4. E

    Eucalyptus plants for sale clonal with trasport and delivery to farmer only 18 rs

    EUCALYPTUS PLANTATION WITH BUY BACK AGREEMENT INDIA PLANTATION Eucalyptus are generally moderately large trees and attain a height of 40-60 feet and diameter of 40-45 inch. The trunk of the tree is generally straight and constitute half of the total height.wood is buy back with rate of...
