Search results

  1. T

    Big Opportunity for Farmers for medicinal plants cultivation under buyback

    Hi, I am interested in this project. So please sende me the details of the details of the project like type of land, Water resources and marketing etc.
  2. T

    Consultation for All Medicinal Plant Cultivation

    Hi, This is Thirupataiah from Andhra Pradesh. I am interested in cultivation of medical plants. So please send the details to my mail
  3. T

    grow tree grow india and gain more

    About Sandal Dear Mr. Immanuvel, I am From Andhra Pradesh and I am interested in this project. I want some more information regarding the plantation. How much cost will occur for one acre and how many plants can be planted and what is the returns for one acre. Is it authorized by the...
  4. T

    Information on Herbal and Medical Plant cultivation

    Hi, I am having 20 acres of land at Kanigiri, Prakasham District. I want to cultivate Herbal and Medical plants. So please please give suggestion about these plants and marketing methods. is my mail id. Please send the details. Thiru
