Search results

  1. G

    Telia in dalim

    Hi, We got result on teliya by one month(We can only stop it at their stage) And if you consult us from starting - AFTER RESTING we can cure teliya. For more detail wats up me on 93 752 752 00.
  2. G

    wanted a consultant for mangoes and other produce

    Horticulture Consultancy by GUJVIR hello, We are manufacturer, marketer and consultancy provider in horticulture and others crops. We can send you our service results in form of video and photo results by email or whatsapp. contact us if interested on Gujvir Jaivik Krushi...
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    best agro industry in konkan

    visit Gujvir Jaivik Krushi | one for all crop
  4. G

    bio pestiside

    for getting more efficient and effective result in horticulture plant, visit once Gujvir Jaivik Krushi | one for all crop, see product details, its result in form of video clip and photo contact us if you have any query on
  5. G

    inquiry for advertize

    Hello, what charges for advertise?
  6. G

    Organic manureVernicompost @ 2.50 per kg*

    organic input for farming only two product needed for all deficiency and problem. 1)Bio Rich 2300 rs per liter cost. dose : 1-2 ml per liter. 2)Bio-e 800 rs per liter dose : 2-3 ml per liter. aprox 4000 rs per acre cost of farming from Sowing to harvesting contact | Gujvir...
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    organic plant growth promoter made from Desi cow is for sale- Mrs suchetha 9940656276

    organic input 100% result organic input for farming only two product needed for all deficiency and problem. when you ask about price, also consider dose required for it. 1)Bio Rich 1200 rs per liter cost. dose : 1-2 ml per liter 2)Bio-e 365 rs per liter dose : 2-3 ml per liter 3000...
  8. G

    organic plant growth promoter made from Desi cow is for sale- Mrs suchetha 9940656276

    organic input for farming only two product needed for all deficiency and problem. when you ask about price, also consider dose required for it. 1)Bio Rich 1200 rs per liter cost. dose : 1-2 ml per liter 2)Bio-e 365 rs per liter dose : 2-3 ml per liter 3000 rs per acre cost of farming from...
