Search results

  1. V

    Sandalwood, redsandal, teak, and Melia dubia saplings for sale

    Sandalwood, redsandal, teak, and Melia dubia saplings of all sizes are available at resonable rates. Technical guidance will be given for plantation. We will underatake turnkey projects on contract basis. We will take up annual maintanance of the plants. Plants cost. Sandalwood: 1.ft...
  2. V

    Technical guidance will be given for plantation

    Technical guidance will be given for plantation. We will underatake turnkey projects on contract basis. We will take up annual maintanance of the plants. Plants cost. Sandalwood: 1.ft Rs.20, 1.1/2 feet rs.25 and 2 feet rs.30 Redsandal rs.15 Melia dubia rs.15 Teak .rs 10...
  3. V

    Sandalwood, Redsandal, Teak, and Melia Dubia Saplings for sale.

    "Sandalwood, redsandal, teak, and Melia dubia saplings of all sizes are available at resonable rates. Technical guidance will be given for plantation. We will underatake turnkey projects on contract basis. We will take up annual maintanance of the plants. Plants cost. Sandalwood...
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    Sandalwood Plant

    reply to the post dear sir sandalo wood splings are available in gujarat near vadodare But Tamilnadu is famous for sandalwood sapplings for its fine qulity and seed background. we are also suppluying sandalwood plants. please contact us. venkata rao
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    Sandal wood sapling (plants ) for sale at karur tamilnadu india +919894245449

    dear ashokan please inform the rate and size and age of the sandalwood saplings as we are in need of them in large quantity in thousands venkata rao 9133876383 e.mail
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    teak wood plantation

    Dear narendra We supply Teak wood and Redsandalwood splings in large scale. among the two Redsandle wood is profitable. Thereare no legal issues involved Marketing is through forest department. If you are interested please contact me Venkata rao Hyderabad. 9133876383...
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    Required Agriculture Land in Andhra Pradesh

    Agriculture land in largescale is available in nellore district near rapur. the cost of the land around 100000 negotiable AQgriculture land is also available in prakasam district near vinukonda The cost of the land is around 80,000 negotiable If you are interested please contact me...
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    we can arrange huge lands at the required rate in andhra pradesh and karnataka if you are interested contact us visit www,
