Search results

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    KAMADENU offers solar power plants – 1Kw to 10Mw

    dear sir we are the consultancy solar energy products we are interested to sell your products kindly send your communications address mail to me
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    Solar Fans & Air Coolers

    dear sir i would like to take the dealer ship of your company proudcts like dc fans and coolers and other proudcts also to andhpradesh hyderabad districts pl send the details
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    land available for M Watt solar projects in ANDHRPRADESH

    100 ACRES to 1000 ACRES land available for solar MEGA Watt plant in Andhra prdesh gniune interested parties cal me
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    Details for solar Water pumps 10hp

    dear Ramesh i had seen the solar water pumps technical details of 10 Hp we are consultancy of solar all kinds of solar products pl provide the mail id and communications thankingu reagards
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    Solar water pumping system

    dear sir i am interested of these subject for solar submersible pumps , kindly provide full details
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    Biogas plant, portable at 15000/ only

    dear sir we are doing the consultant in andhraprdesh in hyderabad rural area we have the custmors pl send the details mail to me
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    200Kv solar power plant

    dear sir your subject is not clearly pl send the details solar power: 200KV what is the purpose of usage :------- which state:----- district/mondal name----- rural:name------ pls send above detailss and contact no are email me i will send the details to u
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    Loan offer

    dear sir i had seen the ad in the website we are land provider consultant for solar power and dairy form bushiness for long lease near to Hyderabad surrounds in andhrpradesh you would like to interest for solar power in andhpradesh we will arrange the lands for long lease contracts if...
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    Wanted solar powered solution for deep borewell

    dear sir i had seen your details we are intrested to sell the solar water pumps pl send the communication address and mail id mobile no to mail me
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    For sale - SOLAR PRODUCTS

    dear sir we are interested in distributorship i would like to know about solar product details and price list of distributor pl send details and website kindly send to me
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    solar water pumps

    dear sir i am interested to solar water pumps pl send the details mail me
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    solar water pumps

    dear sir we are interested in solar water pumpsets pl send the details and comunication address we will meet personally thank u sridhar1
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    5000w solar home system

    5000 watts need urgently dear sir i am interested 5000w is it 50000/- only pl send the details for communication address to mail me
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    LED Solar Lantern

    solar hybird replay dear sir your website is not working pl send the details to mail me pl send the details catalog and price quote also thankingu
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    Solar Hybrid UPS

    sir your website is not working
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    guar gum seed wanted

    sir pl metion the place where are u how many acrs do you planting of guar
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    guar gum seed wanted

    guar seeds per 1 hectar 6 to 7 kgs enough if you required contact
  18. S

    guar gum seed wanted

    :rolleyes: where u means wich state/ distirct how many acres do forming the guar
