Search results

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    Need Turmeric and Ginger rhizome

    Hello, We can provide you 20 tons of fresh turmeric rhizome at Rs 13/kg farm price. Please contact us at 9177285442. Gopi Kumar
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    LAND FOR SALE - 15 ac Fully developed suitable for turmeric/yam/palm oil etc.

    Fully developed 15 ac farm developed by scientist for sale. Very good investment property with road facility into farm, about 15 KM to city 15 ac land, single document 125 KM from Vishakapatnam Drip irrigation installed 3 submersible pumps provide plenty of water Electricity available...
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    low cost Agricultural land for sale, 15 ac, 3 bores, drip irrigation

    Agricultural land for sale. very affordable, 15 ac Fully developed farm. 3 bores, drip irrigation, electricity facility, farm house with palm oil plantation and teak plantation. Contact Mr. Gopikumar at 9177285442 or email
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    Turmeric seed for Sale

    Freshly harvested and graded turmeric seed is available for sale in bulk. Please contact us. Mr. Gopi Kumar 9177285442
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    Farm for sale, 15 ac drip irrigation

    Fully developed 15 ac farm developed by scientist for sale. Very good investment property with road facility into farm, about 15 KM to city 15 ac land, single document 125 KM from Vishakapatnam Drip irrigation installed 3 submersible pumps provide plenty of water Electricity available...
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    Yam seed for sale

    Freshly harvested YAM SEED MATERIAL available. Please contact Mr. Gopi Kumar at 9177285442 or email
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    Fresh turmeric seed for sale

    Freshly harvested high quality turmeric seed available for immediate sale. Please contact Mr. Gopi Kumar at 9177285442 or email
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    Turmeric seed (variety salem) available immedietly

    Quality turmeric seed (variety Salem) is available fresh from our farms. We will provide you cultivation details when you visit our farms. Very reasonable price. Message us immedietly and book your order before the supplies are gone.
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    Yam cultivation is profitable ..Quality seed available

    Yam cultivation is one of the profitable ventures. Only few tons of quality Yam tuber seed material is available at our farms. Please message us immediately if you are planning to grow Yam this year. We will provide you cultivation details as well.
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    YAM seed and TURMERIC seed for SALE until supplies last

    Fresh YAM seed and TURMERIC seed for SALE until supplies last. Seed is moving fast. Hurry up before the stock is gone. Please contact us as soon as possible if you are planning on planting Yam or Turmeric. Yam - Variety Gajendra Turmeric - Variety Salem Local
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    Yam and Trumeric Seed Available immedietly

    Fresh Yam and Turmeric seed is available for immediate delivery on a first come first serve basis. Interested parties please contact us immediately. Reasonable prices.
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    how to prevent from the damages from wild boar

    Biological Solution for wild boar problem We had wild boar issues damaging our maize crop and we prevented the problem using this approach. Buy pig intestine oil (street pigs ok) from pig rearing people. Buy a jute twine, if not available buy a coconut twine. Soak the twine in pig oil and tie...
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    Wanted Farm Manager, Attractive Salary and Perks

    We are a fast growing production agriculture and agri machine rental firm looking for a Farm manager who is a self starter, can work under minimal supervision and with some understanding of profitable farming business. Our farm is located in north costal Andhra Pradesh about 125 km from...
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    Farm Manager wanted, Attractive salary & Perks

    We are a fast growing production agriculture and agri machine rental firm looking for a Farm manager who is a self starter, can work under minimal supervision and with some understanding of profitable farming business. Our farm is located in north costal Andhra Pradesh about 125 km from...
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    Software professionals in agriculture - fantasy or success

    You made some practical points!
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    Software professionals in agriculture - fantasy or success

    I can see that you are speaking out of your real time experiences..good points!
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    Plastic Tree Guard (Rs.300 Including all taxes)

    Please send video links. Also can we fence a farm with tree guard sheets?
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    Elephant Foot Yam (Gajendra) available for sale in Bulk!

    Our farm is located in Srikakulam district. We will negotiate a competitive price. Current market price in Viajayawada market is around 1800 per 100 kg.
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    Yam for sale in bulk!

    Approx. 40 tons of Fresh Elephant Foot Yam (variety Gajendra) is available for Sale at our farms. Interested parties please message us before the fresh stock is gone!
