Required 1-2 acre of land suitable for agricultural with good water source in chikkabalapur district, Tumkur district, Nanjangudu, chikkmagulur or Hassan district.
Price 2-3lakhs
Hi, this is bharathm1987 at gmail, Will Provide You the Details of the Buyer's of the Egg's & all the Documents required for Bank Loans.
Contact Me Or Send Me a Private Msg..
Hi, from Bangalore,
I have got 8 pairs of 3 year old Emu Bird for sale in Bangalore near Devanahalli, at the price of Rs.24,000/- per pair.bharathm1987 at g mail,Emu Meat sellers can Contact me..
Urgently for sale...
with regards from..
Hi, I'm bhartahm1987.. U can find me at gmail.My friend has 8 pair's of 4 year's old Emu Birds for sale in Bangalore. the price is Rs.25000/- Per Pair.
hi.. i need to know the details and the price of Chapati making Machine..! Any manufacture in Bangalore please give the Details...!!!
With Regards..
Hi... I have enquired for Button Mushroom Spawn in IIHR(Bangalore).
But it's not available their.
Can any 1 know where Do we get Button Mushroom spawn? OR whom to contact in IIHR?
Hi.. Me & My Friends are Planning to start a Ice Cream Factory.
We need the Details of the Machinery & Market..!!!
Does the Government provide any Guidance in Bangalore, IF whom to contact..?
Hi... I'm From BANGALORE..!!!
Do we get Financial help from CENTRAL OR STATE Government in Karnataka For the Cultivation of Button Mushrooms?
Under which Department Does it Comes?
Hi.. Can any1 suggest me a machine to reduce to temperature and maintain it to below 15C.
I have heard of Fogging Machines & Mist sprayers.
Waiting For Your Suggestions...!!!
4yr's Emu Birds for sale in Bangalore. 4 pairs(4 male & 4 Female).
already laid 56 egg's this year.
immediate for sale price 2Lakh(neg). .
contact bharath.m
Hi.. i have 9pairs(18 birds) of 3yr old Emu birds in Chikkabalapura (Bangalore) FOR SALE at REASONABLE PRICE..!!!
Serios Buyers PLEASE ConTACT