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  1. G

    Nabard loan

    HI Friends, My father taken loan for Dairy farming in Bank of Baroda Andhrapradesh. yesterday i came to know that Loan Amount - 45000 (5lak Nabard scheme) EMI -12000 FOR 70 MONTHS 24% INTEREST RATE (MORE THAN PERSONAL LOAN INTEREST RATE ) They cheated my father ...
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    HF/Jersey cows

    Hi Hi Rm, I am also looking to buy HF cows please give me some more details. I am from AP. Thanks Narendra
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    Milk prices

    40 per 1 liters Rajahmundry AP
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    Milking Machine Hi Murali, We recently started Dairy farm. Started with 10 Buffaloes . I am looking for Milking Machine and Chaff cutter. Please advice or Can you provide your contact details? Thanks Narendra
