Search results

  1. N

    SALE 20 Acers of Agriculture Land Near Chinthamani

    hi 20 Acers Agriculture Land for Sale. 23 kms from Chinthamani , Karnataka. to Land. 70 Kms from Bangalore. Please see the Attachment 1) Culivated Land.right now with Ragi grown about 4 acres 2) for the reaming about 6 acers Maize for cow fodder is grown 3) there is Cow shed " 60 * 30...
  2. N

    20 Acers Agricultural Land available Near Chintamani.

    hi Plain 20 Acre land for Sale,at chinthamakala Village ,Chintamani .20 km from Chintamani well connected to Chellur main Road. 1) Single Plot of 20 Acres Agriculture Land. 2) KEB available 3) Bore well available. 4) 60 * 30 Cow Shed available 5) 17 * 12 -- SUMP to Store water upto...
