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  1. garao56

    Technical Guidance on Cultivation of Crops

    cultivation guidance Please contact the undersigned for technical guidance . Farming Practices for : 1. Cereals - paddy, maize, millets like bajra, foxtail millet, kinoa etc 2. Pulses like Black gram, green gram, cow pea, etc 3. Oil seeds like groundnut, sunflower, mustard , safflower, 4...
  2. garao56

    Project Reports for Agricultural Finance

    Project Reports for Agricultural Term Loans form Commercial Bank, Cooperatives and other Financial Institui Capital formation is important for agricultural development We will prepare all types of project Reports for the following agricultural developmental activities. If any progressive...
  3. garao56

    commercial plantation

    Project Reports for Agricultural Term Loans form Commercial Bank, Cooperatives and other Financial Institui Capital formation is important for agricultural development We will prepare all types of project Reports for the following agricultural developmental activities. If any progressive...
  4. garao56

    cultivation guidance

    Please contact the undersigned for technical guidance . Farming Practices for : 1. Cereals - paddy, maize, millets like bajra, foxtail millet, kinoa etc 2. Pulses like Black gram, green gram, cow pea, etc 3. Oil seeds like groundnut, sunflower, mustard , safflower, 4. Vegetables 5. Green house...
  5. garao56

    Project Reports for availing Term Loans from banks

    All types of project Report will be prepard for availing Term Loans from Banks -like Dairy (new & expansion of units), Poultry (Layers & Broilers),Sheep, Goats, Ducks, Emu, Quails, Buffaloe calves, Male buffaloe calves, Land development, Minor Irrigation, Vermi-compost, Rural Godwns...
  6. garao56

    Project Reports for Medium & Long term loans from Banks

    For all Porject Reports regarding agricultue , horticulture and allied acitivies and for availing Bank term loans please contact
