Search results

  1. G

    Land for lease

    I have about 8.5 Acres of agriculture land alongwith a well 50km from chennai. There is sanctioned power of 5HPand right now no motor available. I want to lease this for cultivation purposes. Interested to contact through mail.""
  2. G

    difference between azolla and spirulina

    Dear sir, I have a basic doubt. What is the difference between 'spirulina' and 'azolla'. is both for human consumption or for use in plants.How it is marketted? Is the climate in tamil nadu suitable for its cultivation?
  3. G

    doubt in capsicum varities

    Hello, I have a silly question. I have come across red, yellow and green capsicum varieties. My doubt is whether they are independent varieties or if it is only duration of the crop that determines the color. For example green turns to yellow in the first stage and then becomes red when fully...
  4. G

    Wanted agriculture lands

    Wanted about 100 Acres of agriculture lands in Tamilnadu, may be un-cultivated barren land. Price in the range of Rs.50,000/- per Acre. The land will be used purely for agriculture purposes using modern techniques.
  5. G


    Will any body advice whether 'GINSENG' can be grown in tamilnadu weather condition. If so what is the risks and profitability and what is the duration. giridharan
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    soya chunks

    Hi, We are in the process of establishing afactory to manufacture 'Soya chunks' at Chennai. I would be eager to know whether any body can take up the marketing operations for the product. Kindly send me your terms and assurance of quantity lifting. Giridharan
  7. G


    I want to cultivate 'stevia' in about 5 acres of land.the land has a good irrigational facility. I would request some body to put me in the corrrect path also educating me about the inestment and profits of the project. any consultation fees charges and/or any buyback facility may alos be...
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    soya nuggets

    I am interested in opening a soya nugget manufacturing unit near chennai. I invite anybody having previous working experience in the industry to set up the unit and if interested to join as partner. Giridharan
  9. G

    soya nuggets

    I need consultancy for starting soya nuggets manufacturing unit near chennai.Kindly quote the investment amount and also prifitability Giridharan
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    soya nuggets

    Can anybody help me to know the manufacturing process, capital & place requirements and profitability of " Soya nuggets". I also need the quotaion if anybody can do the promoting.and their fees for the same giridharan
  11. G

    arecanut leaf plate

    I am interested in starting 'areca nut leaf [ pakku mattai ] plate' manufacturing unit at chennai. I would request guidance from the present manufacturers and marketing persons. Giridharan
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    Aloevira cultivation

    What is the profitability and risks in cultivating aloevira near chennai. What will be the initial investment for cultivating 8acres of land. Whether one tube well will be sufficient to watering? Giridharan
  13. G

    consultancy for vermi compost

    Wanted consultancy -investment, marketability and profitabilty,for vermi compost production near chingleput-tamilnadu. post your replies Please contact...
  14. G

    wanted agri- advisors

    I have about 8 Acres of agriculture land near chingleput-Tamilnadu. Right now it is not under cultivation, but have water resources. The problem is the area may get flooded for about 2 feet high at the time of heavy rains and ssubsequent opening of resorvoyars,Can any one guide me to use this...
