Search results

  1. shajathali

    Land Available Cheap Agriculture land in Tamilnadu

    Rich red soil, clear title, sound water, good road Dharmapuri district around 140 kms from bangalore. Price 11 lac per acr. Extent 7 and 10 acrs Call for more details
  2. shajathali

    Land Available Cheap agriculture land in Dharmapuri Tamilnadu

    35 acrs cheap priced land in Dharmapuri dist around 170 kms from Bangalore. Rs.950000/Acr Semi hilly scenic view. Red soil Clear documents Pakka Road Sound water area. Private message for more details. Shajath ali Salem
  3. shajathali

    Land Available Farm land 51 lac for 2.5 acrs

    Farm Land with mango trees Fully fenced Open well Free EB Krishnagiri dist Bangalore 160 kms Price 51 lac in total
  4. shajathali

    Land Available Mango farm for sale in Krishnagiri Dist., Tamilnadu.

    2.5 acrs fully grown mango farm. ....Land on Tar Road ....Fully Fenced ....Openwell with full water ....Free electric connection. .... Price 51 lacs total Krishnagiri dist Uthangarai Taluk.
  5. shajathali

    Land Available Farm land in Krishnagiri District, Tamilnadu.

    Hi Have farm land around 60 kms from krishnagiri. Price 15 lac per acr. Total land 3 acrs.
  6. shajathali

    Land Available Mango farm land

    Around 140 acrs mango farm in krishnagiri district near barugur just 1 km away from bangalore chennai NH. Revenue 25 lac per year from mango alone (contract) . Red soil Good Road approach. Price 17 lac per acr. Call for more details
  7. shajathali

    Land Available Farm land for sale

    2.5 acrs farm land around 6 kms from denkanikottai. Red soil, clear title, suitable for farming and farm house as well. Price 27 lac per acr
  8. shajathali

    Land Available Land near Denkanikottai (Hosur)

    1.80 acers farm land near Denkanikottai. Rich red soil, decent road, clear title. Price 18 lac per acer.
  9. shajathali

    Land Available Water rich land in Krishnagiri Dist., Tamilnadu

    One acers water rich land, one open well and electricity 165 kms from Bangalore. Land in Krishnagiri Dist price 13.5 lac
  10. shajathali

    Land Available 8 acrs 10.5 lac per acr Bangalore 100 kms

    Hi This is 8 acrs plain land 100 kms from Bangalore red soil rich water area price 10.50 lac per acr. Land in Tamilnadu. Contact for more details .
  11. shajathali

    Land Available Farm land in Dharmapuri Dist

    50 acrs Land - Red Soil - plain Land - Dharmapuri Dist - water rich area. Price 6 lac per acer
  12. shajathali

    Opinion What is organic farming - soil

    Natural agriculture is the effort we make of the soil. Rather than providing all the nutrients a crop needs alone, natural agriculture is about letting go of the forces present in that soil. We can increase natural soil fertility by increasing the humas there to maintain the soil. In...
  13. shajathali

    Available Family Farming - Organic way near Denkanikottai

    Purchasing farmland separately and farming is a challenging thing and that is why I am introducing this joint family farming project. The best chemical-free agricultural products to keep our family disease-free. We are trying to get together to produce. When you have time you can come to your...
  14. shajathali

    Land Available Agriculture land near Denkanikottai bulk land cheap price

    Hi Have a big property of 1600 acrs near Denkanikottai Royakotta in Tamilnadu. Close to Bangalore For any big project ...
  15. shajathali

    Land Available Cheap land

    26 and 15 acrs price 6 lac per acr, barren land for organic agriculture Dharmapuri Dist.
  16. shajathali

    Land Available Farm Land near hosur

    My Land 6 kms from denkanikottai (hosur) 2.2 acrs plain land, red soil, Scenic location, suitable for organic farm and farm plots. Price 19 Lacs per acer. Connect through chat
  17. shajathali

    Land Available Developed Land in Denkanikottai

    3.82 Acrs well developed Land on Denkanikottai Palacode (Dharmapuri) Main Road two bore well electric connection well build house Price 1.5 crore
  18. shajathali

    Advertising Organics Farmers Producer Company

    Hi Members. We have started Organics Farmers Producer Company, registering under Companies Act, the process is on. The Directors and share holders are only farmers of Salem District. We are 50 organic Farmers. All are following organic method of cultivation. We give training on input...
  19. shajathali

    Land Available Cheap land in Anchetty denkanikottai

    Hi Have two properties around 100 kms from bangalore way denkanikottai or 20 kms from kanakapura barder 50 acrs price 7 lac per acr. Not single owner sothat this cheap price. Land is barren and virgin. Small portion mud road but motarable. 20 acrs on village tar road same distance stated...
