Search results

  1. 6

    missionary for dairyfarm

    you can get the machines in banglore and kerala can contact them in this mail id
  2. 6

    ajola cd in annadata kannada

    Dear sreedhar , You can contact gannavaram veternery college ...which is near by vijayawada .there you can get ajola . Pleae check it near by vetrnary colleges also .
  3. 6

    Tractor For Sale

    Please send me the Model ,manufacturer and HP quoted price and other details ...immidiate settlement.
  4. 6

    Need workers 4 flyash brick maufacturing unit

    Dear All We have flyash brick maufacturing unit we need labour to stay and work in vijayawada .contact
  5. 6

    Loan to purchase agricultural land

    you dont get the loan to buy a agri land , but based on your pay slips and IT returns you can get the loan from AXIS bank to buy a plot and also you can get SBI realty loan for PLOT only not for AGriculture land . Thanks Srinivas
  6. 6

    Solar dryer for drying of medicinal herbs

    I want to use the solar drier for drying the chillies ,and how much it cost ,can you please advise me.
  7. 6

    Wanted farmers for medicinal herbs cultivation under buyback

    Hi Madhav ...I am intrested to do it ..can you reach me
  8. 6

    Wanted farmers for medicinal herbs cultivation under buyback

    Hi Madhav ...I am intrested to do it ..can you reach me
  9. 6

    Wanted Wanted Farmers for medicinal plants cultivation under buyback

    Hi Madhav ...I am intrested to do it ..can you reach me
  10. 6

    emu farm

    call me please..
  11. 6

    Emu Birds for Sale

    hi I wantto buy the birds ...can u pls call me
