Search results

  1. 6

    Azolla cultivation

    You can get it in venternary colleges . I also enquired about this and I got the seed from Gannavaram veternary college which is near by vijayawada andhra pradesh.
  2. 6

    Wanted farmers for medicinal herbs cultivation under buyback

    Dear sir .please send me your contact details .we are intrested to do.
  3. 6

    Wanted farmers for medicinal herbs cultivation under buyback

    Dear sir .please send me your contact details .we are intrested to do.
  4. 6

    Wanted Wanted Farmers for medicinal plants cultivation under buyback

    Dear sir .please send me your contact details .we are intrested to do.
  5. 6

    used tractors direct from japan

    Tracor Mohit Pls send more details I am intrested to buy.
  6. 6


    I would like to buy a used Tractor, Please let me know if you have any references. Thanks & Regards Vasu
  7. 6

    Tractor for sale

    Tractor is in andhra pradesh Guntur other attahments
  8. 6

    Tractor for sale

    Excellent condition tractor - sonalika - 2007 model just 2lakhs 40 thousand reach me .if you are intrested.
  9. 6

    Tractor for sale -Excellent condition

    Hi - I want to sell my tractor( Sonalika 740 -III DI) - 2007 model - Well maintained /Own use - good milage 9 to 10 kilometres /ltr - usage of tractor was very less. - Please contact only serious buyers - The tractor is at near by Guntur in Andhrapradesh - Al the papers are uptodate...
  10. 6

    Hi all

    you can contact he is in india ...he can help u to setupa farm .he is owner of shine farms go thru his website. Thx Srinivas
  11. 6

    Emu farm for sale

    please send me your contact number and detailed info and reach me
  12. 6

    Tractor for sale

    Tractor for sale in Vijayawada - andhra pradesh 2007 model sonalika excellent condition reach me
  13. 6

    Tractor for sale

    pls reach me
  14. 6

    emu products & eggs

    hi Guru prem , I am intrested to buy emu chicks from you ...send send me the details like where you are located and your contact information Thanks Sri
  15. 6

    Available Granular Gypsum

    Dear sir/Madam , I want the gypsum ...immidiately ..pls send me the details.
  16. 6

    Wanted Looking for big investors for Goat farming business

    I am interested in funding for goat farming, please send me your project report /technicle and financial report. Please contact..
  17. 6

    Agri lands for INR 6000/- in South America...

    hi Please send me more details
  18. 6

    Tractor for sale

    Please reach me
  19. 6

    Tractor for sale

    Tractor is at nearby vijayawada
  20. 6

    Tractor for sale

    Hi - I want to sell my tractor( Sonalika 740 -III DI) - 2007 model - Well maintained /Own use - show room condition - good milage 9 to 10 kilometres /ltr - Trally attached (new one with new MRF tyres) - Please contact only serious buyers - the price is 3,75,000( Including trally ) ( Fixed...
