Search results

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    Goats Import

    Import of Domestic animals No livestock product can be imported into India without a valid sanitary import permit. All livestock with valid sanitary import permits can be brought into India only through seaports or airports where Animal Quarantine and Certification Services Stations are - in...
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    Curry Leaf Saplings for Sale, Bangalore @ Rs5/-

    Curry leaf planting Hello Rajshekar A 2 acre plantation would require about 2,500 saplings at a distance of 5 feet from the nearest Curry leaf tree. This includes passage for water chanelling & extra spacing for a small wheelbarrow to get through.
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    casurina or savukku plantation

    Casurina 1)At initial planting at least 4 feet from each other 2)The hybrid saplings cost more - but the local onnes too are almost equally good with proper maintenance 3)Source it locally 4)After 2 years trim the undershoots (brances) in four years it shoud reach about 12' 6)Check locally...
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    Curry Leaf Saplings for Sale, Bangalore @ Rs5/-

    Cuury Leaf Saplings Good day I only have the saplings (small plants) suitable for replanting. I'm wondering what the seeds are used for - we have seen the flowering & seeds - but do not bother to collect. Our saplings propgate through the roots of the adult trees than from seeds though. Cheers
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    Is Farming Profitable?

    Profit You need to have a stratergy in place to target your profit. It is very difficult to achieve this in farming as there are many variable factors to take into consideration. Moveover the chances of short term profits are really not realistically achievable in farming. I hope I am not...
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    Can anyone buy farmland in Bangalore

    farm land If somebody in your family is an agriculturist in India - that will help to prove/show your family tree to re-establish your farming background. Bacically you need to be a farmer to register agricultural properties in your name. There are ways to register it in your real family...
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    Curry Leaf Saplings for Sale, Bangalore @ Rs5/-

    Cultivation od Curry Leaf Plants These are sturdy and low maintenance shrubs - need to be planted at a distance of atleast 5 feet radius from each other. The ground needs to be prepared by digging 1 foot square (1 x 1 x 1 feet) hole in the ground. Some cow dung or leafy manure needs to be...
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    5 Guntas land for sale on NICE Road Bangalore

    Land Is it on NICE Road - road access? Contact Philip
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    Agricultural Lands for sale in West Godaviri Dist

    Land What price are you expecting ? How is the road access - is it all one singe owner ? Documents ?
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    Curry Leaf Saplings for Sale, Bangalore @ Rs5/-

    Kariveppilai ( kari-curry, Veppu ) Saplings available for sale at Rs 5/- each. These are about 6 inches to 1 foot tall and needs to be uprooted and taken away by purchasers. Philip Bangalore.
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    Mini Digger-Towable

    Digger How much does it cost?
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    Fence Whats the perimeter of fencing , location, Type of fence required , details of your requirement needed to assess ...
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    Wanted KUBOTA B2420 Tractors in Tamil Nadu

    Kutoba Tractor Have you thought - will a Power Tiller do the job , though it wil more labourous and slower ?
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    8 Acres of Casurina - Tamil Chowku

    Trees What is your asking price (as it is on the farm) per acre - including stump
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    Paddy for Sale

    Paddy Good day Ravi I am interested in getting 5 quintals of Paddy - Whats the packing , price, location.... Please contact - Philip
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    Buying agricultural land

    Re: Purchase of Agricultural Land The RTC needs to be a current one (at least 2 weeks old ) before you go to get your newly purchased Agriculyural alnd for Registration at the Sub Registrar
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    Wanted KUBOTA B2420 Tractors in Tamil Nadu

    Kutoba Tractor They have an Office/Showroom in Chennai - search the web ,, Good Luck. Just out of curiosity - why particularily Kutoba? are not Indian Tractors Good enough , Parts , service etc will be an issue for Kutoba??
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    200 acres of Agricultural land for Sale in Hiriyur, West Bangalore, Karnataka

    Land How far is this land from the Indian Institute of Science Campus comming up at Hiriyur? towards which direction is tehh Institute from the Land?
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    Lawn Grass For sale

    Lawn Grass What is the price per square Foot you are charging for the Lawn Grass if transport is arranged to your farm? You need to arrange loading into my vehicle.
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    sandalwood pure

    Re Pls send me a personal message on how to contact & proceed
