Gabions are rectangular wire mesh baskets filled with rock at the project site to form flexible, permeable, monolithic structures such as retaining walls for commercial, industrial and road projects. They are also used for Erosion Control in Agriculture, bank stabilization, channel...
Good to know about your offerings.
Will share your service within our circle.
Also, let us know if you have farm fencing / agriculture fencing requirements.
Dear Rajan,
You are welcome!
Please write us if you have any such other queries.
Thank you for asking such wonderful questions on Solar Electric Fencing.
Few popular fencing species are,
Agave Plants, Bambusa Arundinacea, dendrocalamus Strictus, Acacia Concinna etc.
Other than live fencing we have Barbed wire fencing, Honeycomb Fencing & Solar Electric Fencing.
Dear Mathew,
Here are answers to your questions,
Q: In case of solar fencing, does it fool proof for Elephants, and Wild bores?/
how can be prevented properly. ?
Ans: It is not 100% effective as in rare cases, a headstrong animal might come in anyway, however, it is found to be very...
If you are planning to get your land secured with Fencing but have doubts in mind then,
you can always ask them to us.
We will try our best to give you optimum solution.