Dear Sir
France plans on doubling organic farmland area by 2017
( to the country's Agricultural Minister, France wants to double the area of farmland devoted to organic agriculture by 2017 to meet growing consumer demand through local production...
Traditional Bharatiya Joint Family
(1) Simple division of labour:
Joint family system enjoys all the advantages of a simple division of labour. Here the work is distributed among the members on the basis of age and sex keeping individual ability in view. In an agricultural economy much...
What are the environmental benefits of organic agriculture?
Sustainability over the long term: Many changes observed in the environment are long term, occurring slowly over time. Organic agriculture considers the medium- and long-term effect of agricultural interventions on the...
Agriculture with Cow
The cow was elevated to divinity in the Rig Veda. In Book VI, Hymn XXVIII attributed to Rishi Bhardwaja extols the virtue of the cow. In Atharva Veda (Book X, Hymn X), the cow is formally designated as Vishnu, and `all that the Sun surveys'.
Indian society has addressed...
Effects of Chemical Farming
1 Land exhaustion The constant use of artificial fertilizer, together with a lack of crop rotation, reduces the soil's fertility year by year.
2 Fertilizers High yield levels are produced by applying large quantities of artificial fertilizers, instead of by...
Organic Farming and Food Production.
In organic farming, crops and other food are produced without chemicals. Fertilizers, pesticides, growth hormones and antibiotics are forbidden. During thousands of years of civilization the raising of animals and growing of plants have always been...
‘.. ‘‘பசு மாட்டுச் சிறுநீரை எத்தனை நாட்கள் வரை சேமிக்கலாம்?’’
‘‘இந்தத் தகவல், உங்களுக்கு ஆச்சர்யத்தை ஏற்படுத்தலாம். ஆனால், அதுதான் உண்மை. பசுமாட்டுச் சிறுநீரை 100 ஆண்டுகள்கூட சேமித்து வைத்துப் பயன்படுத்தலாம். எந்த அளவுக்கு காலதாமதமாக பயன்படுத்துகிறோமோ... அந்த அளவுக்கு அதன் வீரியம் கூடும்...
Top 10 most unhealthy, cancer-causing foods - never eat these again!
by Jonathan Benson, staff writer
(NaturalNews) The statement "everything causes cancer" has become a popular hyperbole, and one that some people use as rhetorical fodder to excuse their own dietary and lifestyle failures...
சில அரிசி வகைகளும் அதன் பண்புகளும்
நமது நாட்டில் வ*யலில் விளைந்த நெல்லை அறுவடை செய்து, அதிலிருந்து அதை பக்குவதாக அரிசியை பிரித்தெடுத்து, அதனை தண்ணீரினால் சுத்தப்சபடுத்தி, கொதிக்கும் நீரில் கொதிக்க* வைத்து சமைத்த* சாதம், முக்கிய உணவாகும்; மேலும் அரிசியை உளுந்துடன் சேர்த்து அரைத்து எடுத்த*...
வீட்டுக் காய்கறி தோட்டம்
காய்கறிகள் நமது அன்றாட வாழ்விற்கு மிகவும் முக்கியமானதாகும். அதுவும் குறிப்பாக சைவ உணவு உண்பவர்களுக்கு மிகவும் அவசியம். இவை உணவின் ஊட்டச்சத்தை அதிகரிப்பதோடு மட்டுமல்லாமல், உணவை ருசியாக்குகின்றன. ஊட்டச்சத்து வல்லுனர்களின் பரிந்துரைப்படி, ஒரு வயது வந்த நபர், சீரான திட்ட...
The name of the pesticide / insecticide / fungicide is called as Agnihastra. The total process for preparing the product is 21 days. The main content of this product are cow by-products, garlic, neem leaves and barks, green chilly and jaggery.
This product will not kill the pest or the...
The name of the fertilizer is called as Panchagavya.
The process of producing the fertilizer is 51 days. The fertilizers are basically from the by-products of Indian breeds of cow and added to that we add jagerry, tender coconut and banana.
The fertilizer contains, all the nutrients...
(c) water. For optimum availability of all the essential nutrients, the fertility of the soil is very important. A good fertile soil maintains its fertility structure, only when the mineral part and the composted part of the soil are equal by volume. In Prayog Parivar’s term such soils are...
Implementing Natueco Principle with Prayog Parivar Methodology
a) Soil Management - The first step of Natueco Farming is to develop the Nursery Soil using neighborhood resources. Nursery Soil consists of 50% biomass and 50% activated mineral topsoil by volume. The Biomass forms the organic...
Basic Principals of Natueco farming
Harvesting the sun
In all biological processes, energy input is required and solar energy is the only available resource. No time and no square foot of sun energy should be lost by not harvesting it biologically. Lost sun energy is lost opportunity...
Other biodynamic preparation
Besides 500 and 501 there are seven other biodynamic preparations having numbers from 502 to 508, but as their method of preparations are difficult, they are not very popular in India and are not being used in large scale. Their methods of preparation in brief are...
Some Other forms of Organic Management
1. Biodynamic Agriculture
Biodynamic agriculture is a method of farming that aims to treat the farm as a living system which interacts the environment, to build healthy, living soil and to produce food that nourishes and vitalizes and helps to develop...