Search results

  1. N

    Farm teak for sale with 3.5 to 4 feet girth

    Dear sir, I am Naveen, a farmer from Yelandur, Karnataka. We have 12 teak trees with cutting order having girth more than 1 meter.
  2. N

    Higher prices for turmeric during these days????

    Respected sir/Madam Sir, Turmeric prices are very high during these days compared to previous years. It is as high as 11,000/quintal dried turmeric compared to 3000/quintal. Sir, what would be the reason.... Some of the dealers argue that it is due to export agreement with United states for...
  3. N

    Dried turmeric for sale

    Dear all, Dried turmeric for sale, 1.5 tonnes dried turmeric available. Farm near Chamarajanagar D. Yelandur.T.....PH - If anybody interested in buying, please send me message Thank you, Your faithfully Naveen.M.N
  4. N

    Regarding Melisa dubia vegetative propogation

    Respected sir, I am Naveen, I am interested in knowing the method of propogation of Melias dubia(Hebbevu). I think propogation by seeds is difficult. How it is propogated by vegetative means. How cuttings are take to propogate. What would be the size of cuttings. is there any growth...
  5. N

    Melisa dubia vegetative propogation

    Respected sir, I am Naveen, I am interested in knowing the method of propogation of Melias dubia(Hebbevu). I think propogation by seeds is difficult. How it is propogated by vegetative means. How cuttings are take to propogate. What would be the size of cuttings. is there any growth...
  6. N

    Vegetative Propogation of Melisa dubia

    Respected sir, I am Naveen, I am interested in knowing the method of propogation of Melias dubia(Hebbevu). I think propogation by seeds is difficult. How it is propogated by vegetative means. How cuttings are take to propogate. What would be the size of cuttings. is there any growth...
  7. N

    Meli Dubia / Malai Vembu / Hebbevu saplings Available

    Regarding availability of Melisa dubia Where is you nursery located. I need plants near Chamarajanagar.Karnataka. I need around 300 plants . Please contact me through mail...
  8. N

    Teak sale

    Respected sir, I am Naveen, reciding a village near Chamarajanagar, Karnataka. I would like to sell my 23 year old 12 teak trees ( 2.5-3feet circumferance ) with uniform straight trunk. If anybody interested, Please contact me or send me the information regarding the prices. Please...
  9. N

    Wanted Melia dubia seedlings

    Respected sir, Sir, I am Naveen, I am having 3acre farm near Chamarajanagar, Karnataka, I am planning to plant Melia dubia ( Hebbevu) plants in my farm, Please send me the information regarding availability of seedlings and price for that.... Thank you. please contact me......
  10. N

    Is it wise to cut teak at 20 years and what is the avg.price for that

    Dear all, I am having 12 teak trees of 20 years age and which is of 2.5-3feet diameter with staight trunk... Sir/Madam Could you tell me the approximate price/cubic foot and where to sell that nearby Mysore area..... I hope you will not disapponit me in this regard... Please send me the...
  11. N

    Regaring Teak prices and sale

    Respected sir/Madam, I have a farm near by Chamarajanagar. We are having 10-12 teak trees of 18 years old of 27cm circumferance with straight trunk..I am willing to sell those trees.... But, I don't know the exact price to sell off.... and I wanted to know the buyers..... Please send me...
  12. N

    Regarding Teak prices and sale

    Respected sir/Madam, I have a farm near by Chamarajanagar. We are having 10-12 teak trees of 18 years old of 27cm circumferance with straight trunk..I am willing to sell those trees.... But, I don't know the exact price to sell off.... and I wanted to know the buyers..... Please send me...
