Search results

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    Hi, I have Fresh and dried Oyster and Milky Mushrooms available at our farm in Thane. Production is 5 ton per month. Interested parties please contact me via pvt message. Packing and delivery can be arranged as per requirement. Thanks Regards, Heramb Gupte
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    onion for sale

    Onions are available. Interested buyers please contact via private message. Thanks
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    wanted cow milk

    HI, Pure Cow Milk at Rs 28 at Murbad, Thane. Please let me know if interested. Can Supply 2000 lts per day. Thanks Regards, Heramb Gupte
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    Foddder for sale

    Hi, We also do fodder cultivation in Thane, Maharashtra. Anyone interested do let us know. Thanks Regards, Heramb Gupte
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    wanted cow milk

    Hi, I am based in Murbad(thane) I can supply you Cow Milk around 8,000 lts per day. Do let me know by PM if interested. Thanks Regards, Heramb Gupte
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    dairy project

    Dear Swamy, With due respect , could you please elaborate on the same. Thanks
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    dairy project

    Dap312, Please chk ur pvt message inbox.
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    Fresh and Dried Vegetables

    Hi, We can supply you with fresh and dehydrated vegetables year round. Anyone interested in buying please send me a private message with their requirement. Thanks Regards, Heramb Gupte
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    Information about market for Oyster Mushroom and its market.

    Dear Kirti, Please check the details before you post. Both the numbers given are wrong. Thanks
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    I am intrested to Start a Dairy in Guntur dist(AP)

    HI, I am operating a Dairy Farm with 100 animals in Murbad, thane. Anyone interested in knowing more information on the same do let me know. Please send me pvt message so it is easier to reply. Thanks Regards, Heramb Gupte
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    dairy project

    Please find answers 1) For your climate cows and buffaloes , both are suitable. Price ranges from 50k to 100k every animal is unique and you should learn to identify good animals. In the long run, difference of few thousands will not cost much as much the quality will. 2) Check with...
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    Need Oyster mushroom spawn

    Hi, I have oyester Mushroom for sale. If interested do let me know. Thanks Regards, Heramb Gupte
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    need azolla seeds for cultivation

    Hi, I have Azolla available. Anyone who needs it may send me Thanks Regards, Heramb Gupte
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    Farm Land on Lease

    Hi, Wanted Farm Land min 10acres on lease with 12 months water avaialable for fodder cultivation near murbad. Thanks Regards, Heramb Gupte
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    Cattle Feed

    Hi, We are looking at purchasing different types of cattle feed like cake, brans, etc at thane (60 kms form Mumbai) Anyone interested in supplying please send your best price. Thanks Regards, Heramb Gupte
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    Copra for Sale

    what is the price??
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    Reg - Model Dairy farm at Ludhiana

    very true pavan
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    Want Agricultural waste

    Hi, Anyone in Thane who has agricultural waste(like vegetables,byprouct of process eatables,etc)? We are looking at collecting it on regular basis. Please let us know. We can pick it up from your location Thanks Regards, Heramb Gupte
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    Reg - Model Dairy farm at Ludhiana

    Dear Kumar, Model Dairy Farm is one the genuine farms in India. I have met him personally and also visited his farm . He supplies good quality animals and meets the commitments is my experience.
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    supply milky mushrooms

    Hi, I can supply milky mushrooms from Mumbai as my farm is 50 kms from mumbai. Monthly production is 3 ton Anyone interested do let me know. by private message. Thanks Regards, Heramb Gupte
