Search results

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    Need Duck chiks(Ducklings)

    Looking to buy duck chiks for farming.Also for Quial as well as good quality Layer Chiken chiks.
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    giri raja chickens for sale

    Giriraj chiks I am interested,please send details like,age,cost and if possible,some photos.I am interested in buying Duck chiks too,if youi know anyone,please let me know
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    Country chicken for sale

    We have regualr batches of 100 nos each of Pure country chikens which are 100% organic.Anyone interested in regualr off take from farm,contact
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    For Country chicken farming

    I am interested in getting Chicks or grown up breeds of Giriraja,Vanaraja,RIR.Inititially I will be needing about 50-100 but once I find it is profitable,then I will go for mass sace.My farm is at Kolhapur,I shall pay for transportaion,no problem.Please advice
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    Country Chicken Eggs

    Kuroiler Dear Padmanabahan I saw your post.I am interested in getting Kuroiler chiken for farming.Please guide me also please guide me ,where to get "VANARAJA"GIRIRAJA" Sent you mail PM Thank you very much for the help
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    Need Country Chikcken

    We are from Kolhapur-Maharashtra.I am looking for some very good breed of country chiken like"VANARAJA"or better.Can you please send me full details by Private Message
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    Indigenous Breeds of Chicken for Sale

    Country Chiken We are from Kolhapur-Maharashtra.I am looking for some very good brred of country chiken like"VANARAJA"or better.Can you please send me full details in PM
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    Need Chiken Breed(Giriraj e.t.c)

    I am at Kolhapur
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    Need Chiken Breed(Giriraj e.t.c)

    Need breeds like Swarnadhara,Giriraja or any other good chiken breeds for commercial farming.Please let me know if anyone can guide/Supply.
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    Interested in Marketing Milk Producs????????

    We are into commercial diary farming.Shortly we are going to make value added products,made of pure ORGANIC milk.If anyone interested in marketing our proposed milk products like:GHEE,LASSI,CURD,KHOWA(MAWA),SHRIKHAND...E.T.C,in and around Kolhapur-Maharashtra,please get in touch.Only those who...
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    Looking for interested parties in Contract farming

    We are into Commercial dairy farming.Looking for farmers who have thier own land in and around Kolhapur-Maharashtra, and who are interested in doing contract farming of MAZE for fodder round the year.If anyone with large land and willing to do varous other green fodders like...
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    Looking for Diary farm Manager

    We are into Commercial Diary farming for Last 4 years.We are at Kolhapur-Maharashtra.We are looking for a person to look after expanstion of farm,plan and execute effectively.We are Looking for a dynamic person who have positive attitude and willing to take care of promoting sale of Milk and...
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    Need Round the year Green Fodder

    Need green fodder I had put my requirement for interested people,I did not make any agreement yet,first I need to know the guy who is responding is serious or not because 90% of the response are just ttime pass or some people who dones not even know what is green fodder,why should I waste time...
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    Need Round the year Green Fodder

    We require supply of Green fodder(BAIF-10,Thumburmozhi,Lucern,Maze,Jawar,Berseem)to the tune of 2 to 10 ton a day,round the year.Any parties,serious in the deal,please contact.
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    sell hybrid moringa seed for farming

    Hi, Can you tell me feeding Leaves of Moringa Oleifera is good for COWS and Buffalow". What is the cost of the seed.Can you send by courier.Please mail me details
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    looking for a tamil Labor family

    Labour/Couples We are into commercial Diary farming from Kolhapur-Maharashtra.We are looking for Lbour who can work in our farm on Long term,preferably couple.If you can assist,please mail me
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    murrah buffalos

    Murrah If you can supply very good Murrah(Pureline)with 12+ liter yield and in second lactation let me know
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    Contract Farming Of Fodder MAZE

    We are into commercial Diary Farming from Kolhapur-Maharashtra.We are Looking for interested Parties/Farmenrs to do contract farming of Fodder MAZE,Lucern,Berseem on Large scale and supply us round the year in Bulk.Interested parties Please communicate.
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    Wanted GIR Cows

    We are into Commercial Diary farming.Looking for Pure Excellent GIR Cow.If any one can assist,please let me know by private message.
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    Require half ton/day: Berssm,or Lucern or Alfalfa and also Maze fodder round the year

    We are into commercial diary farming from Kolhapur-Maharashtra.We are looking for supplier who can supply us half ton per day Berssm,or Lucern or Alfalfa and also Maze fodder round the year.Send offer by private mail.
