Search results

  1. M

    Land Available 80 acres land for sale near Salem

    Sir I would like to buy 15 to20 acres of this land. Please inform me the details of the exact location type of land etc to or WhatsApp to my number 7010736804 Srinivasan
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    Wild edible vegetables

    Hi, I know of dinda only available in certain shops rarely. But it is available in coimbatore city. But it is available as a vegitable like green tomato. In the shops many are not aware of its uses including shop owners. It is good that you brought this to the notice of our. Members. Srinivasan
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    For Sale Organic farm near Denkanikottai

    Please send details like price and exact location to I am interested in the land for organic farming Srinivasan
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    For Sale 10 Acres of agriculture land for sale in Trichirapalli District, Tamilnadu

    please send details of the land type of soil and water avaliability to or please call 7010931264 Srinivasan
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    Dear Mr.Senthur Is part sale of 10 acres possible Please inform Srinivasan
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    For Sale 17 acres land at Cheyyar

    I am interested in this land.please give details like soil.avsliabllity of wAter and price to you can WhatsApp on 7010736804 Srinivasn
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    For Sale 60 acers of land which is 125km from Bangalore

    Please mention the location and part sale of 15 acres is Or WhatsApp to 7010736804 Srinivasan
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    For Sale Fertile, fenced, gated high-end purpose agricultural land in Kanchipuram for sale

    Please send me details like price, type of land and available water source to
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    If part sale of 25 acres is allowed please let me know .my email address is whatsup no 7010736804 Srinivasan
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    Ox driven electric generator

    Hallo It was interesting to read about the ox powered generator.It has got its limitations as we cannot have it all through the day.Though it is environment friendly and does not depend on fossil fuel we need to store the energy using batteries.otherwise it is not useful during nights. For...
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    For Sale Solar street lights, ALL in one type(battery.,pannel, led )

    Please mail me the price of the lamp Srinivasan
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    For Sale Five Acres land in Krishnagiri Dist, Tamil Nadu. Just 70 kms from Bangalore.

    Please quote price and also about any. Cultivation going on now or it is barren to SRINIVASAN
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    Wanted Agriculture land nearby Salem District

    I want to buy about 10 acres of agriculture land nearby salem district. Contact me over my email id
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    For Sale Virajpet, Coorg - Estate for Sale

    Please send details about the price and does it have coffee plantation.? My contact no is 7010736804 mail id is 7
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    For Sale 5 acres of agri land for sale near Ooty

    Ian interested in this property.please email me about water availability .is price negotiable? common way or approachable separately.does it have any fruit tree grown?!
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    For Sale Farm land 126.72 acre sale in Tirunelveli,TN, SARONI AGRI, WhatsApp: 9842157331

    Hallo what is the price of land per acre will you sell part of land like 10/15 acres. Plese send details to you can also call on 7010736804 Srinivasan
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    Organic Farming Training Course Starting -3 March 2019. South Bangalore.

    Dear sir Thanks for your appreciation on my comments.first let us try to get poison out of our soil and this will make our mind also toxin free and make our business clean Srinivasan (
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    For Sale Agriculture Land 35 acres 3km from Uthukottai with bore well for sale

    Please give details like price availability of water type of soil to
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    Organic Farming Training Course Starting -3 March 2019. South Bangalore.

    I fully agree with your outburst on MNCs and Norman Borlaug. One fails to understand why our governments welcome the toxic producing industries.the governments claims thousands of jobs created.But how many thousands of jobs and lively hood were lost by giving away the fertile lands to those...
  20. M

    For Sale 16 Acers Organic Farm land for sale

    Please send details and price and location.i am interested in buying this land my mail id Srinivasan
