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    why not go for power fence Dear sir, please send me your email id at regards
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    erection of shadenet and polyhouses

    hello, i want to go in details of design of shade net/ polyhouse. suppose i want to construct 2000 sq metres shadenet what shound be dimensions, size of links, span, which colour shadenet gives better resullts, which crops give better response, cost of cultivation , any seperate practice...
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    Hi everybody, i want to start shadenet and polyhouse structure erection. i will need suggestion from you to make best possible structures.
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    solar generated electric fence

    We erect solar generated electric fence with internationally acredited Energizer for safety and quality standards known as Horizont; from Gmbh. Protect your farms and crops with sustainable technology. we sprovide our services in Maharashatra, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. Please send your...
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    erection of shadenet and polyhouses

    procedure to erect shdenet and polyhouses. how and where to get componants of structure?
