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  1. nand03fe

    I am studying 4th year. I am interested in doing farming.

    Dear Young Friend, Suggesting and Advising is the easiest task for everyone to share in the Universe :-), ok, coming to your query.... You should please set "short and long term" goals for your Career line. Then you yourself will identify your path accordingly. Please reach me +91 7036889900...
  2. nand03fe

    I want open poultry farm capacity above than 10000.

    Dear Entrepreneur (s), In poultry industry, Color / Desi / Nati chicken varieties are boosting up for dual purpose (layers [egg] & broiler [eatable]). We do supply these DAY OLD chicks, this industry is picking up at commercial lines all over our country. Regarding this colour poultry...
  3. nand03fe

    Looking for starting the ostrich farming need chicks

    My Dear Friend, This is alert!!! Please cross check twice the technicality and economically viable before starting this project ... presuming as you are going to start in India. Thanks
  4. nand03fe

    How to get Nabard loan for country chicken farm ?

    Dear Member, NABARD is banker's bank, NABARD won't give loan directly, so you have approach your local nearest bank (preferable the bank you have good relation). In this Loan regarding you need to submit project report that is a study of Technical feasibility and Economically Viable to bank...
  5. nand03fe

    country chicken farm

    Dear All, I would like to share Color / Nati / Desi Poultry industry information, this may be known to all of you, however I am bring back from your layers of brain... :) Chickpreneur should start focus on Color / Nati / Desi Poultry at commercial lines for Layer & Broiler purpose, that gives...
