Search results

  1. big_book_project

    For Sale Musk dana ( kasturi bhindi)seed for sale

    Are you still supplying okra seed? Where are you based?
  2. big_book_project

    Wanted Nati koli chicks in Tumkur, Karnataka

    Nati koli chicks and farm nagamangala 9743681294
  3. big_book_project

    Wanted Need investors to invest in my farm in Karnataka

    Do you have a business plan for the farm - do you need assistance with drafting one so investors can get a clear idea of your vision and how it will be achieved. Complementary consult via WhatsApp/Skype - email
  4. big_book_project

    Wanted Need a poultry farm on rent in Maharastra

    Dear @rahimabqazi - do you have project report in place for your proposed operation?
  5. big_book_project

    Wanted Layer poultry farm in Andhrapradesh

    Hi @krishnaveni3, How is your AP search going - how is planning on the other aspects of your project? If you need any advice or assistance with starting your layer poultry farm you can contact or reply here. You may find this article on layer poultry of interest...
  6. big_book_project

    Wanted Want farm land for lease

    Are you requiring any other assistance with your agricultural start-up?
  7. big_book_project

    Wanted Need consultant who can help launching new product (honey etc) and packaging.

    Dear @rafiqueahmed, Sounds like a great venture you have underway - honey is only increasing in demand, especially raw, special varieties and apiculture by-products such as wax, royal jelly and bee pollen - we can support you with graphic design, marketing strategy (on- and offline) sourcing...
  8. big_book_project

    Guidance in farming

    Hi @hitengremax if poultry farming is part of your options we have some good articles to share here: Also you can ask us any question and we will reply promptly. All the best.
  9. big_book_project

    Wanted Poultry farm on rent in Maharashtra

    Hello, If you need help with starting your poultry farm we are able to assist in establishing and planning the venture for profit and building your customer base. Share your questions here:
  10. big_book_project

    For Sale 1 Acre Land For Rent (Dairy Farm) or (Poultry Farm) Near to Chennai(Tambaram)

    Thanks for sharing this prime opportunity - prospective buyers may find this resource on starting a poultry farm useful:
  11. big_book_project

    For Sale Farm land in Kerala for sale & lease

    Please post specifics
  12. big_book_project

    Feasibility of Poultry Farming in Kerala State, India.

    Good afternoon readers, I would like to start a thread for prospective poultry farmers in Kerala to pool resources, ideas, metrics and price tracking for poultry farming in the State. I hope it would be useful to Keralites and non-Keralites in the poultry industry at any level. Ideas for...
  13. big_book_project

    Advertising Basics for small poultry farmers.

    Thanks for sharing this great channel. We really enjoyed watching you all feed papaya to the chicks, they could not get enough. Your farm reminds us greatly of a Malaysian farm calls Uncle Rani's - we're sure your meat will turn out just as good too.
