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    The fate of Biofuels and our fight against Govts

    Comments on Jatropha Curcas shrub.
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    The fate of Biofuels and our fight against Govts

    pro's and con's about jatropha - the right policy?
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    Importing of Bio Diesel into India

    Why import? Why not join local Indian producers?
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    Why are people still wasting their time on Jatropha

    Water retention method part of complete project? [QUOTE=ramananda;13153 Gentleman, Jatropa is not failure, we the farmers have failed or the so called businessmen have gained(cheated). My ref: IENG 373111, MIET 505330 registration with IET in GB, jatropha shrub. Dear Sir, At present...
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    Why are people still wasting their time on Jatropha

    jatropha shrub products and spin-offs / benefits Dear Sir, About your statement. Criteria: Did you just consider it as a mono culture cash crop for the short term on purely commercial grounds? Regards, Johan Schiphorst, IENG. MIET.
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    molecular vaiablity

    genetic modification of jatropha curcas Dear all, Maybe this will put some light on your molecular marking quest. I happen to read an article in my professional magazine, E & T, in the section Power biofuels, using sequencing the genomes of the jatropha shrub. In Malaysia tweaking the...
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    Green Money : Jatropha Plantation on barren land :

    jatropha possibilities & technical applications Please have a look in the threads started by johan in Threads in Forum : Jatropha & Bio Diesel Futhermore please checkout Twitter on same threads / topics / leads. Regards, AJ Schiphorst, IENG.MIET. Den Haag Holland
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    Green Money : Jatropha Plantation on barren land :

    Water retention method part of complete project?
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    Partners needed to popularize Plant oil stove

    jatropha oil - cooking stove
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    Few facts about Jatropha

    Water retention method part of complete project?
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    Searching fo Potential Investor, Jatropha 800 Hectares, Tanzania

    Water retention method part of complete project?
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    New to farming. Is Jatropha advisable?

    Water retention method part of complete project?
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    sell jatropha seeds at minimum price

    Water retention method part of complete project?
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    Cookers on biogas
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    Need Co ordinators in the Jatropha plantation in Rajasthan

    Water retention method part of complete project?
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    Required Info on Jatropha Cultivation in tamil nadu

    Water retention method part of complete project?
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    Supply jatropha seed

    Water retention method part of complete project?
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    jatropha seed supplier

    Water retention method part of complete project?
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    sell jatorpha seed

    Water retention method part of complete project?
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    Homemade biogas

    1system biogas production from home waste Dear Sir, I happen to find as the answer to the 1system biogas production from home waste! Thru their website I e-mailed them as well to ask about a proper cooker for their system. regards, Johan Schiphorst, IEng.MIET.
