Search results

  1. K

    Soil Analysis in North Maharashtra Region (Nandurbar)

    In each district of Maharastra there is a Govt. soil testing lab. Contact to Dist. Superintending Agriculture Officer Nandurbar or Taluka Agriculture Officer Nandurbar.
  2. K

    Drip irrigation system for betelvine

    Drip irrigation is essential to betalwine. It is common in Maharastra. Specially in drought prune area like Solapur it is successful. It saves water & labor cost, increases yield &quality also. You may consult our betalwine research center at post
  3. K

    Jatropha Plantation

    Jatropha Plantation is not profitable till..... The economics of Jatropha Plantation is not good. After 3 to 4 years the maximum yield in dry condition is 1-2 Q. In irrigated it goes up to 5-8 Q. The rate is now 10-15 Rs./kg. 3000Rs/acre in dry land & 12000Rs/acre per year is not...
  4. K

    Teak wood info.

    अब करोडपती बनना आसान! मगर कब ? हम पेड लगाए और हमारे पोते या उनके बच्चे करोडपती बनने की राह देखे ? - - जी हां ! हम सेकडो प्लान्टेशन्स पिछ्ले २५ सालसे देखते आए है. उनका डायमीटर जादा से जादा ६ से ९ ईन्च है. वन विभाग से पुछे तो इसकि असलियत मालुम होगी. कंपनीयोंके विग्यापन की असलीयत समझनेके लीए कम से...
  5. K

    Organic and Biofertilizers

    Dear Mr. Nirav, What is Bio-DAP? neutrient containt of 'diammonium Phosphate' is 18%N,46% P & 0% K ! If your product containing some other nuterients which are unknown, then how you can say it as Bio-DAP ? This is cheating ! Why you are compairing the effectiveness of your product with...
  6. K

    gobar gas- plant

    Biogas resarch Your IIT Delhi had an advance resarch on biogas. You will get correct guidancefor resarch from Dr.V K Vijay IIT Delhi.
