Search results

  1. H

    Wanted 100 Acres of cheap land in Maharashta

    Looking to buy 100 Acres of cheap land in Konkan, Maharashtra. Planning to use it for Forestry purpose on long term. Per acre price INR 50,000/Acre
  2. H

    Wanted Wanted 100 acres land

    Pl. advise location of land
  3. H

    Wanted Large acreage of land at low cost

    Pl. advise price/acre in Konkan area. Thanks in advance.
  4. H

    Wanted 100 Acres Farm land with Price of 50,000 INR/Acres

    looking to buy farm land around 100 acres in Konkan area with the price band of 50,000/ acre.
  5. H

    Tamil Nadu Forest Plantation Corporation - helps with melia dubia cultivation

    Hi, Above information is quite encouraging. You are requested to advice from where sapling can be supplied & potential buyer of Melia Dubia plant once they are ready. Thanking you in advance. My mail ID is -
