Search results

  1. M

    What is the best way to get loan for a new dairy farm

    Zero investment upto 10 cattles. Approach nearest milk collection center and get cattles from them on the basis of 0% interest and down payment. start with free range dairy farming (look at this video
  2. M

    Need guidance to stat-up dairy farm.

    For project profile or model bankable projects feel free to contact me on 9975740444
  3. M

    Need guidance to stat-up dairy farm.

    National Livestock Mission is an initiative of the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare. The mission, which commenced from 2014-15, has been designed with the objective of sustainable development of the livestock sector. know more on below link...
  4. M

    Wanted Need guidance to start dairy farm in Chennai, Tamilnadu.

    Are you looking for model bankable project report. Then ping me on 9975740444 or
  5. M

    Wanted Need estimates cost for goat farming with 50 thalacherry goats including shades.

    Are you looking for bankable project report? If yes then need more information. ping me on 9975740444 or
