Search results

  1. V

    Graphs wholesale!

    We r one of the wholesale suppliers of graphs and we can supply graphs in bulk quantity from arround solapur....Rate will be Rs. 23/_ per kg.
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    Wanted buyers for our Quality G9 banana multi cultures.

    We are one of the Dbt certified lab in sholapur producing quality G9 banana multi cultures from virus free high yeild mother plants. If any plant tissue culture labs needed our multi culture bottles, please contact...
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    Quality G9 banana multi cultures for sale!!

    We are one of the Dbt certified lab in sholapur producing quality G9 banana multi cultures from virus free high yeild mother plants. If any plant tissue culture labs needed our multi culture bottles, please contact...
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    Quality G9 banana multi cultures for sale!!

    we are one of the Dbt certified lab in sholapur producing quality G9 banana multi cultures from virus free high yeild mother plants. If any plant tissue culture labs needed our multi culture bottles, please contact...
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    wanted agents for selling our Dbt certified high yeild quality G9 banana tc plants!

    we are producing qality high yeild G9 babana tissue cultured plants. We are intiating the mother culture from virus free mother plants and maintaing maximum 6 cycles only for multi stage for best quality.Agents those interested in selling our tc plants, please contact. Our lab at near sholapur...
  6. V

    Dbt certified quality high yeild G9 banana tissue cultured plants for sale!

    we are producing qality high yeild G9 babana tissue cultured plants. We are intiating the mother culture from virus free mother plants and maintaing maximum 6 cycles only for multi stage for best quality. Farmers and agents those interested to buy our tc plants, please contact. Our lab at near...
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    Dbt certified G9 tc banana plants for sale!

    we are producing quality G9 banana tissue culturebanana plants in our lab at sholapur. Maharastra. We maintained only 6 multi cycles for quality and dbt certified. Farmers those who need to buy our tc banana plants please contact.
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    G9 banana tc plants initiated from high yeild mother plants for sale

    please contact our lab for quality (our pants are free from all viruses because we mantain the mother cultures only 6 cycles instead of many cycles mailtained by most of the labs and regularly initated our mother cultures from high yeild banana plants. So, percentage of high yeild is more when...
  9. V

    Banana tissue culture plants

    please contact our lab for quality (our pants are free from all viruses because we mantain the mother cultures only 6 cycles instead of many cycles mailtained by most of the labs and regularly initated our mother cultures from high yeild banana plants. So, percentage of high yeild is more when...
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    Wanted agents to sell our quality high yeild G9 banana tc plants-view photos@link

    Agents interested to market our quality high yeild G9 banana tc plants please contact.
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    G9 banana tc plants for sale - view our lab culture photos inside

    We are producing G9 banana tc plants (Lab at Sholapur) and strictly adhering max. 6 cycles to maintaining the quality of the plants. Copy & paste to view our G9 Banana cultures (photos) initiated from quality high yeild mother plant suckers, Initian culture: Multi culture...
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    Agents Wanted

    We are producing G9 banana tc plants (Lab at Sholapur) and strictly maintaining max. 6 cycles to adhering the quality of the plants. Copy & paste to view our G9 Banana inition culture from quality high yeild mother plant suckers...
  13. V

    High yeild G9 tc plants for sale

    We are producing G9 banana tc plants (Lab at Sholapur) and strictly maintaining max. 6 cycles to adhering the quality of the plants. Copy & paste to view our G9 Banana inition culture from quality high yeild mother plant suckers...
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    Wanted Agents to sell our biotech product

    We are producing G9 banana tc plants (Lab at Sholapur) and strictly maintaining max. 6 cycles to adhering the quality of the plants. Click to view G9 Banana our inition culture from quality high yeild mother plant suckers, Agents those who are interested to sell our quality tc plants please...
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    Quality G9 banana tc plants for sale

    We are producing G9 banana tc plants (Lab at Sholapur) and strictly maintaining max. 6 cycles to adhering the quality of the plants. Click to view G9 Banana our, inition culture from quality high yeild mother plant suckers, Those who need our quality tc plants please contact.
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    Nendren tissue cultured banana plants for sale

    Nendren tissue cultured banana plants available in one of our ptc lab near kottayam. If you have a requirement please contact and agents also contact us.
  17. V

    Experienced and freshers wanted for market our product

    Wanted experienced and fresher candidates from all over india to sell our G9 banana tissue cultured plants from our reputed group of companies owned lab near sholapur,Maharastra and we can set up hardening centre near your marketing place to minimise transport cost of farmers in future and for...
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    Be a distributor for our product

    Wanted distributers from all over india to sell our G9 banana tissue cultured plants from our reputed group of companies own lab near sholapur,Maharastra and we can set up hardening centre near your marketing place to minimise transport cost of farmers in future and for your business...
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    wanted distributors

    wanted distributers from all over india to sell our G9 banana tissue cultured plants from our reputed group of companies own lab near sholapur,Maharastra and we can set up hardening centre near your marketing place to minimise transport cost of farmers in future and for your business...
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    G9 banana tissue cultured plants for sale

    We are producing G9 banana tissue cultured plants in our lab near sholapur,Maharastra and the rate will be Rs.11.50 at our place.Those who need the plants can contact us
