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    Event Talk with Mr. Santhosh Kumar on "Advanced fencing solutions for farming"

    Hi, Please share the records link. Thank you
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    Event Talk with Dr. Prabaharan S on "Ground water extraction - my experience "

    Hi, Can you please share the recording. thanks, Arun
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    Event Talk with Ms. Rupam Kumar on "My experience with creating a fruit forest"

    Hi, Please share the link. Thanks, Arun
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    Event Talk with Mr. Vembar Nagaraj on "Best practices for installing solar fences"

    Thanks Rajani, can you please share Mr.Vembar Nagaraj’s contact number and website address.
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    Event Talk with Mr. David Lobo on "Coconut farming - Hybrid cultivation for higher yield "

    Where can I watch this meeting of Mr. David Lobo
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    Event Talk with Mr. David Lobo on "Coconut farming - Hybrid cultivation for higher yield "

    Hi, Where do I get to view the old meetings
