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  1. C

    Any Buyers for Vermicompost Fertilizer

    Vermicompost Fertiliser What is the price of your compost fertiliser ? Please provide your contact information. Thank you Sayak Chanda
  2. C

    Any Buyers for Vermicompost Fertilizer

    What is the price of your compost fertiliser ? Please provide your contact information. Thank you Sayak Chanda
  3. C

    aloevera plants cultivation to bay back avilable

    " Dear sir I am from west bengal. kolkata. i want to cultivate aloe Vera so kindly guide about its buyback availability and plantation. Regards- Avijit Samanta. " Dear Avijit, Let me know your place of cultivation and also the quantity. Thank you Sayak Chanda নয় চার সাত সাত চার সাত...
  4. C

    machinery for Tulsi oil extration

    I am also Looking for Consultancy to set up Essential Oil unit in west bengal. Mr Rambilas, is it possible for you to start with a joint venture with me ? Regards Sayak Chanda
