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  1. S

    Poultry farm Business

    hi two type birds - meat broilers or egg birds that is layer farming sheds r made accordingly .... meat bird r sold at 32 days and eggs r sold as the birds start laying chiks r availaible thru private and some govt aided hatcheries also take good trainging before starting either...
  2. S

    goat Sheep from rajasthan

    Dear Dr. Sarkar thankyou for your message . Will you please send me the details of your work on my email or provide me with your email address. In particular for Rajasthan. Regards Sheena
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    goat Sheep from rajasthan

    Thankyou for your kind words.
  4. S

    goat Sheep from rajasthan

    goat sheep in rajasthan hi and thankyou all for your messages i have a querry .....the sale purchase of goat and sheep is done by the buyers sellers mostly middlemen and butchers by physically touching them and estimating on meat recovery from their weight. There is no weighing scale...
  5. S

    goat Sheep from rajasthan

    Hi I am working on a rural project of getting the goat sheep keepers in rajasthan under one roof and sell their produce directly to slaughter houses and others if required. if anyone be interested in this project through investment, marketing or just volunteer please. regards sheena
  6. S

    Need Consultancy on Sugar Factory

    cooperative hi i only know this.. cooperative is a collective ownership activity supported by government and cooperative banks, it is for those who cannot individually make bigger investments to further their work .... it will be formedd by a minimum members say 20 or 50 as per statewise...
