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  1. S

    Subsidy for Drip Irrigation in Tamil Nadu

    Friends Can u pls any one tell about the subsidy for Drip irrigation in Tamil nadu. I have 18 accre land at tirunelveli district. I am planning to plant coconut tree in 10 acre , banana tree in 5 acre, remaining will be cow fodder. i would likee to install drip irrigation to all...
  2. S

    About Banana tissue culture plant

    diff. between tisue culture and normal one What is the difference between tissue culture plants and normal plants?? Any one can explain pls
  3. S

    casurina or savukku plantation

    Hi, I am planning to plant for casurina (farmforest) cultivation in 10 Acre land in tamilnadu( got good water resource) at Tirunelveli dt . I will be pleased if i get some information on this. 1) How should i plant ( distnace between the plants) 2) which type of plant is profitable...
  4. S


    i am from south tamil nadu(hot region), Any one can tell about sericulture , is it suitable for my area? Is it good profitable farm?
  5. S

    mushroom farming and cultivation

    Mushroom Can u give a details about the mushroom farming, as i want to do in my land. Please contact.....
