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  1. M

    Kind Attention Dairy Farmer, Consultant & Agri Expert!!

    cowpea fodder how much dm per hectare get from well maintained fodder cowpea in onecut? maximum how many cuts per year?
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    Fodder nutrition

    someone tell me co-3 grass,fresh maize fodder metabolizable energy rates
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    im seeking information feeding raw soybean,black gram goats
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    Feeding goats

    when my goats refuse to eat grass mainly guinea grass im using suger 25g-40g mix in water and add to 1 kg fresh grass to make it sweet so goats like to eat grass but someone tald me this method will increase worms in goat. i read some articals thant sugar and molasses are high enargy to...
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    goat feeding & information

    dear sir, i need a feeding formula for goat feeding with minimize using leaves and using maximum grasses . including guinea grass co-3 grass cassava leaves maize fodder millet grass cow -pea leaves jack fruit leaves giliricidia
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    Corn growing

    maize for feed
  7. M

    Corn growing

    What(name like e.g npk,tsp) chemical fertilizer is good for corn please give chemical fertilizer using method for corn (60 day corp) is very-compost made from goat-manure good for corn,how use compost fertilizer to grow corn
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    goat feeding & information

    is Guinna grass (Panicum maximum )hay can feed to goat?
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    goat feeding & information

    thank you for anwser
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    goat feeding & information

    1)i want expend more money for get leaves like jackfuritleaves,giliricidia for goats.i have plenty of napier grass,guina grass supply .is it possible to make 80% of goat's daily total feed with co3 grass totally ,or with guinea grass,corn-green fodder, and small amount of bean or cow-pea...
