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  • Am interested in obtaining biodiesel production technology/ feasibility study from non edible oilseeds. If interested please contact me
    can you advice the price of the dpr for capsicum. with bank details can you send this report through email.
    I am interested in Aloe vera cultivation, therefore I want to have the project report on Aloe vera plantation. Thus, how and where can I get it at what cost ?
    Golden S. Rana
    I want cluster been grain in huge quantity. If any persons have available contact on
    hi my name is pranjil agrawal .
    i want venture into cotton ginning and cotton seed oil manufacturing..plz send me the project report if u have any...and also suggest hw can i acquire funds if i don't have any collateral..
    Hi My name is Abrar Ahmed,
    I would really appreciate if I could get the CD about Sheep Farming.
    My contact number : 9880304817

    Hi ! we are interested in project reports for E- Waste and banana paper

    I have 2 acres of land near bangalore. Interested in starting farming of short term crops. Mainly rain water dependent and no abudant water resource. Can you suggest what kind of crops would be ideal?, Is setting up a greenhouse helps?, How much it would cost and what kind of loan/subsidy available for the same.
    how does the CD cost about "bio diesel","bio gas" ?
    how can i get it to vijayawada ?
    contact me at
    hi, i am dipen patel director of sachhidanand food and agro product
    for establishing new greenhouse project. so, i required project report and supliers.
    hi can you pl send me details about Cashew Cultivation
    i have 5 acre 12 years old cashew plants in my land iam not getting the crop properly

    I am Vani from A.P. I am interested in cultivation of stevia. Please send me the details to my mail id
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