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  • Dear Mr Mishra

    We are suppliers of high Quality Spoonable Stevia extract, marketed by the name of Stevi0cal - naturally sweet. Presently we are looking for interested people who will partner with us in marketing the product,

    At Present we are marketing our product in NOrth india with a good success rate. We believe in an ethical mode of marketing for our product and are willing to support people who are interested in our product. in case you are interested please contact me on nine nine five three nine four one zero six six.


    pranay verma
    Dear Agrawal ji,
    We have about 27 lac stevia plants readily available with us.Plants are very very fine in quality with dense roots.To assure safety of the plants, we give the plants in the packing of thick Thermocol boxes. We are supplying stevia plants from 95 paise/plant & above depending on the lifting quantity & other things. Whenever you need plants call at 09826556880 so that we can discuss further.
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