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  • We have 4 acre of Land in my home town and we are growing Paddy and Sugarcane. As you aware now a days wecan't expect more than 30K per acre from paddy. so I am looking for other crops and later my friends suggests about medicinal plantation will be a good idea. so I am here to know about the Medicinal plantation details.
    Hello Madhav sir,

    I'm Aman parashar , i belongs to khandwa (Madhya pradesh) i have 7 acres of land in my area i'm planning to grow aloe vera on a buy back agreement.
    Please guide me for further steps
    thanks & regards
    We are interested to cultivate as per ur reqmts on buy back conditions which corps will be consume less water located 100 km fm AP new capital in costal sandy lands
    Hi sir, i want to start aleovera cultivation and can u provide baby plants to pileru, chittoor dist, andrapradesh
    Dear madhav,
    i am also interested in tulsi and alovera farming under buy back scheme. please guide me. What is minimum land required for the same.
    And what prize you will buy back.
    Please share the all details with project report.

    Deepak munjal
    We have our first ever project of nannari cultivation in Ahmednagar district, maharahtra. If you are interested or can purchase fresh or dried roots of the same, pls feel free to contact us.
    Regards, Dr. Kadus Arvind, Agasti Agroved, Pune. +91 9422085606
    My self Shankar Mahale from Washim Maharashtra I have 5 ecre land fully erregation with lite, on road
    My + 919011317612
    I'll do it please call or mail us sir
    Yours profitable
    Hi Madhav Sir,

    Iam interested in ashwagandha cultivation. I am from mancherial,Adilabad dist,Telangana.we have 5 acres of land.I would like to know more details about buyback agreement,seed cost,buy back rate for roots per kg. You can contact me on 08148594570 or you can mail me at
    Hi, I have Guava plantation in my farm. You can send me your contact details on to contact you.
    Hi Madhav Sir,

    Iam interested at Guar and Coleus cultivation. I am from visakhapatnam and would like to know more details like Seed supply, Land preparation services, manure mgmt and buyback agreement etc. Pl mail me at
    Dear Madhav,
    Could you please send me your contact details at

    Dear Madhav,
    I have seen you post today. I would like to know more details. If you can send more details on my mail id I will be happy.
    With regards
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