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  • Dear sir can you advice me in bee keeping/apairy works. I am very much interested in this activity that to in large scale So pls.
    by the way where u placed and how may acres of land do u have
    any agri production bees boxes shall be placed in a cool place and temp shall be maintained within 36 degree and plenty of flowers availability should be near by bees travels 6 kms for collecting nector and pollen give your details and interest
    swami send me deatils / help for bee keeping at the earliest.
    thanks. jitendraa
    swami i'am a nature lover & is interested in bee keeping. kindly provide help / details .
    dear swami i came across ur blog. well i have land in uttarakhand & would like to do apiculture, can u assist me in details / requirements.
    Dear Sir,

    What is your budget, your requirement can be got at Harur Taluk of Dharmapuri Dist. Fertile Agri land with well & power connection, close to road etc etc will not be less than 2.5 lakhs an acre. If interested send an email or 09751743443
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