Recent content by swamimalai agro farms

  1. S

    Regarding organisation

    organic farming Dear Friends, Pl advise me on organic farming methods, its viability and comparitive cost benefit analysis. S.VENKATA RAMANI Please contact.....
  2. S

    Farm house land in thiruvannamalai and vizhupuram districts of tamil nadu

    I have developed and also in the process of developing farm lands of about 5,000 sqft each with fencing around the entire length and breadth of the farm in upcoming locations with main road accessibility in THIRUVANNAMALAI (VANDAVASI TALUK)AND VILLUPURAM (DINDIVANAM TALUK) IN TAMIL NADU...
  3. S

    Are you are an Agricultural Land Broker ?

    yES. I am in contact with land brokers and owners and also am a mediator for such deals. Pl mail me your requirements at the earliest to at the earliest. S.VENKATA RAMANI
  4. S

    4.28 Acre Agri Land for Sale in Tiruvannamalai Dist, 150 Kms from Chennai

    pl provide me all details at the earliest. I am very keen visiting the location and finalise the purchase if the title deeds and all legal requirements and aspects are clear. Pl also furnish your best lowest price. S.VENKATA RAMANI 94440 18103 SVR234@GMAIL.COM
  5. S

    19 Acres Agri Land in Tiruvannamalai District

    Yes. I am interested in other details such as price etc, The owner of the land to pl contact me ASAP. S.VENKATA RAMANI 94440 18103
