Recent content by sundar subbuss

  1. S

    Azolla powder

    Thanks S.Sundar 9948995386
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    goat forming in my own land

    Please inform me your contact number or email ID to send details - to run cost effective goat farm. Dr.Sundar 9948995386
  3. S

    Hedge lucernepowder

    Interested farmers or dairy entrepreneurs may contact for bulk quantity of dried azolla. The benefits of supplement of feed in feed formula may be mailed to the interested parties... for further details email S.Sundar 9948995386
  4. S

    Azolla powder

    Interested farmers or dairy entrepreneurs may contact for bulk quantity of dried azolla. The benefits of supplement of feed in feed formula may be mailed to the interested parties... for further details email Dr.S.Sundar 9948995386
  5. S

    Azolla Powder

    Please mail/call me with all details as to requirement, payment conditions etc. Dr.S.Sundar 9948995386
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    inter cropping with paddy

    The best intercrop for paddy is AZOLLA. The demand for azolla is growing and is going to play a dominant role in the future in feed supplements. For elobarate details call me Dr.S.Sundar
  7. S

    Rabbit farming

    Where are u from. Pl send details. a brief note on rearing is forwarded. Dr.Sundar 9948995386
  8. S

    Dried azolla - for sale

    Dried Azolla for sale in huge quantity. Persons interested . Minimum acceptable quantity 17 Mt. Switch over to the right feed supplement.
  9. S

    Red long chillies

    Red colour quality long with stem and without stem available for sales in bulk quantity. Exporters please contact for a favourable terms of business. Please call 9948995386 S.Sundar 9948995386
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    wanted urgently

    wanted urgently Agatti seeds and siddaagatti seeds in bulk quantity. contact 9948995386.
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    Napier co4 strips for sale

    co4 slips How to contact you ?
  12. S

    Live stock project funds

    Interested bonafide farmers may call for projects in dairying, sheep, rabbitry etc. 9542479154 sundarsubbuss Only genuine calls entertained
  13. S

    Rabbits for sale

    post properly You have posted a thread which is totally incorrect and asking everyone to contact you without providing call number, place etc. If you are genuine please provide all the particulars, if you want to play with, there are lot other sites to do so. Thanks S.Sundar 9948995386
  14. S

    spirulina for sale

    spirulina What is the price per Kg. I want 10 Kgs immediately, donot quote prices like gold. If suitable orders will be placed regularly S.Sundar 9948995386
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    Chaff Cutter

    Chauffcutter Please contact Mr. Senthil Cell No. 09443825812 Dr.Sundar
