Recent content by srinathvj

  1. S

    Wanted Need RED Capsicum Quantity: 5-10 Tons .

    Need RED Capsicum: Location: Hyderabad Quantity: 5-10 Tons Location: Hyderabad
  2. S

    Wanted Need RED Capsicum. Ooty Kodaikanal farmers contact

    We require RED Capsicum Quantity: 5 Tons Ooty & Kodaikanal Farmers Please contact
  3. S

    For Sale For Sale! Pure & best Desi A2 gomata cow ghee All India supply. International exports. Bulk Orders call: +91 79893 21360

    For Sale! Pure & best Desi A2 gomata cow ghee All India supply. International exports facility available (bulk orders above 20kgs ONLY). Please call for regular and bulk orders +91 7989321360 Thank you!
  4. S

    For Sale I have 40000 kgs Quinoaseeds.

    Dear Krishna Garu, Namaste! Need Quinoa seeds unprocessed for planting.
