Recent content by san_ks11

  1. S

    Online Meeting - Recording Turmeric - Adding healthy & economical value

    Can turmeric be grown under canopy trees ie with shade
  2. S

    Question Need inputs on starting a farm

    Could you pse share the contact info if available
  3. S

    Question Need inputs on starting a farm

    Thank you
  4. S

    Question Need inputs on starting a farm

    I am really happy to have this forum. Myself sanjay a wannabe farmer I am on the verge of buying 4 acre land Karkala, Karnataka . Have been interested in natural organic farming . I would like to grow in five layer Panchantarangini model:- Macadamia Lemon/nutmeg/ Mango (hybrid small one)...
  5. S

    Question Start a natural/organic/ ZBNF farming

    I am planning to start a zing system ; could you help
