Recent content by perprit

  1. P

    Solar water heaters . . . .

    Dear Sir, ETC and FPC stands for . I am interested for Solar Water Heater and Solar Pumps for lifting water vertically 125 Feet from spring as well as River. Regards. Perminder Singh.
  2. P


    Dear Sir. I need a solar pump Which can lift water to 60 Mts Vertical.Discharge 150LPS. Suction 3'' Delivery 2''.Quote your price. Also give guidance for Solar fencing. Along with the Price List. Regards. Perminder Singh
  3. P

    Excellent chandler strawberry plants for sale

    I am Perminder. Please send me your address and contact Number. Regards. Perminder Singh.
  4. P

    Turmeric Seeds on sale in Punjab for 2012

    Dear Sir, I am interested in doing Turmeric Cultivation. I am having my land in Himachal Pradesh in Distt Solan.Kindly send me your address and contact number. Regards. Perminder Singh
  5. P

    Turmeric cultivation

    Dear Sir, I am having agriculture land in Himachal Pradesh in Distt Solan at an altitude of 3500 Feet Above Sea Level.Our is an Sunny Side through out the year.I am interested in growing Turmeric.We are already growing Ginger and Garlic. Ginger we normally start sow in the month of April till...
  6. P

    Agro Network up to Village Lavel.

    Dear Sir, I am interested in your project.I am growing Tomato, Cauliflower, Frenchbeans, Reddish, etc. My land is situated in Distt Solan Himachal Pradesh. Regards. Perminder Singh.
  7. P

    If any frmr want 100% result in farm contact me

    Dear Sir. I am interested in your product. please contact Regards. Perminder Singh
  8. P

    EMU eggs/ 3 month/ 1 year / 3 years/ Meat for sale at attractive prices

    Please Quote your Prices for the same. Regards . Perminder Singh
  9. P

    Bio Gas Gen set

    Dear Mr.Pramod Hati. I am interested in Biogas Generator. Please send me the details. Regards. Perminder Singh.
  10. P

    Ginger seed(Var.-Mahim ) for sale

    Dear Avinash. I am interested in Seed. You can Quote me the Price Per Quintal F.O.R. Chandigarh. Regards. Perminder Singh.
  11. P

    stevia plants for sale

    Dear Sir, For my information can we grow Stevia plants in Mid Hills. I am staying in Chandigarh and my farm land is in Distt Solan.Do let me know the price per Plant.How many plants are required in 1000 Sq Yds.please contact.. Regards. Perminder Singh
  12. P

    neem cake and organic manure

    Dear Sir, I am interested in Neem Cake and Organic Manure please qoute me the prices Regards. Perminder Singh.
  13. P

    Wanted Farmers to Cultivate Stevia leaves for US

    Dear SRINIVASAN, I am interested to Know in detail about STEVIA CULTIVATIONS. I,e how is the crop to be sown, at what time of the year Etc.Climatic Conditions.Please send the details Regards. Perminder Singh[/B]
  14. P

    vermicompost&neemcake&earth warms.available.

    Dear Sir. You are requested to quote the price FOR Kandaghat (H.P) and availability of the product.Contact please... Regards. Perminder Singh.
  15. P

    Fresh vegetables available

    Dear Sir, I am interested in your product. Send me the details alongwith pricelist and availability. Regareds. Perminder Singh
