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  • Hi - I am looking for dairy farm labor in Telangana state, khammam . Do you have anyone who might have approached you from UP / Bihar and wants to go back to work near their native place?

    Dairy Farm labour will be required for buffalo farm and will be responsible for all daily dairy routines works.
    Hi am looking for dairy farm labor in AP kadapa Do you have anyone who might have approached you from UP / Bihar

    Dairy Farm labour will be required for buffalo farm and will be responsible for all daily dairy routines (except selling milk). I will keep 1 person per 10 buffaloes.
    Hi - I am looking for dairy farm labor in Haryana. Do you have anyone who might have approached you from UP / Bihar and wants to go back to work near their native place?

    Dairy Farm labour will be required for buffalo farm and will be responsible for all daily dairy routines (except selling milk). I will keep 1 person per 10 buffaloes.

    Hello .. I saw your post regarding Gherkin Cultivation. I heard successful words. I am basically from Andhra Pradesh (AP). Can you share any information and buyers. any suggestions..its really appreciable. or reach me 9739876660 or whatsapp 9848530844.
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