Recent content by ksenthil

  1. K

    Question Regarding Sweet Lime / Mosambi cultivation in Tamilnadu - Please provide your inputs

    Thank you sir for your reply. Will check with the vendor on the actual variety name.. Can you tell me if we can cultivate Sweet Lime as Intercrop for lemon trees (with cross spacing between Lemon & proposed sweet lime would be 14 ft)? This question comes, as I am afraid that sweet lime tree...
  2. K

    Question Mosambi / Sweet Lime Cultivation - Need few information

    Dear Members, Am from Tamilnadu and i own a 5 acre land with red soil. Am planning to cultivate Mosambi / Sweet Lime and got to know that Rangapuri / Rangpur variety is good in that (from my known contacts).... 1. Does anyone have any experience in that variety cultivation... Please share if yes...
  3. K

    Question Regarding Sweet Lime / Mosambi cultivation in Tamilnadu - Please provide your inputs

    Dear members, I am from suburbs of Madurai district, Tamil nadu and I own 5 acre farm land with red soil. Have already planted Lemon, Pappaya & Guava trees and now looking for cultivating Sweet Lime / Mosambi fruits. Now i have few questions on that. Can anyone please clarify & provide your...
