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    Universal Neem Profile:

    Shri Ramajayam Oil Mill
    # 4, Suriyakulam North Street,
    Arni- 632 301 Thiruvannamalai District
    Tamilnadu India.

    Contact Person:
    Mobile: 9884209995.
    Web site: Universal Neem,Neem oil
    E-mail id –

    About Us

    Universal Company is The Leading Company in Exporting and Manufacturing Neem oil


    Our Company is formed by dynamic Professionals in partnership between father and sons.


    Neem Oil, Neem Cake and Neem Kernel Cake, Karajan Oil and Karajan Cake.


    Neem Oil Standard Quality: 16000 Liters per Month
    Neem Oil Premium Quality: 16000 Liters per Month
    Neem Kernel Cake: Powder Form or Granule Form 22000 Kgs per month

    Neem Oil Standard Quality: 1701 - 2200 PPM
    Neem Oil Premium Quality: 2201 - 3000 PPM
    Neem Kernel Cake: 1. Powder Form 2. Granule Form


    1. Balmer & Lawries & Co. Ltd.Calcutta & Chennai
    2. Sical (Spic), Chennai
    3. Spic, Tuticorin
    4. Cheyer sugar mills in, Tamil Nadu.
    5. Dharani sugar mills in, Tamil Nadu.

    About our products
    Universal Neem Oil:

    Universal Neem Oil is an organic polish for leafs used to produce clean and shiny leaves on all kind of plants, vegetables, flowers, trees, bushes, ornaments, houseplants and orchids.
    It is 100% organic, extracted from Neem tree.

    One of the first active ingredients isolated from neem oil, azadirachtin has proved to be the tree's main agent for battling insects. It appears to cause some 90 percent of the effect on most pests. It is structurally similar to insect hormones called "ecdysones" which controls the process of metamorphosis as the insects pass from larva to pupa to adult. The Azadirachtin content of Neem Oil varies from 300ppm to over 2000ppm depending on the quality of the neem seeds crushed.

    Advantages of Universal Neem Oil:

    * Eco friendly and bio - degradable
    * Does not harm helpful parasites, predators and pollinators
    * Safe for spray opera

    Neem oil is extracted by cold pressing process on .Neem kernels; it acts as an insecticide and protects plants and crops against pests. Azadirachtin is one of the main active compounds of Neem oil. Perhaps the most important quality of neem oil is that it appears to have little or no toxicity to warm-blooded animals. Birds and bats eat the sweet pulp of the Neem fruits without apparent ill-effects. This safety extends to human beings. It is not harmful for human beings.

    Character of Neem oil:

    Neem oil is generally light to dark brown, bitter and has a rather strong odor that is said to combine the odors of peanut and garlic. It comprises mainly triglycerides and large amounts of triterpenoid compounds, which are responsible for the bitter taste. It is hydrophobic in nature and in order to emulsify it in water for application purposes, it must be formulated with appropriate surfactants.
    Neem oil also contains steroids (campesterol, beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol) and a plethora of triterpenoids of which Azadirachtin is the most well known and studied.
    Uses of Neem Oil in India:

    Neem oil is used for preparing cosmetic soap, hair products, body hygiene creams, hand creams and in Ayurvedic, Unani and folklore traditional medicine, in the treatment of a wide range of afflictions. Neem oil has an extensive history of human use in India and surrounding regions for a variety of therapeutic purposes. Neem oil is also used for its medicinal properties and in veterinary applications.

    Universal Neem Cake:

    Neem Cake is an Organic Manure, which obtained as bye-product in the process of cold pressing of neem fruits and kernels, and the solvent extraction process for neem oil cake. Neem Cake Organic Manure is used directly and/or in blends with urea or with other organic manure like seaweed or farmyard manure to an extent of 15-20% by weight, for higher yields in various crops like, paddy, sugarcane and etc. Neem Cake Organic Manure has more nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, calcium and magnesium than the farmyard manure. It is rich in sulphur compounds as well as bitter limonoids.
    Application rate:

    200 kgs to 400 kgs per hectare
    1 kg for plots of 10 to 15 sq. meters.
    (lb per acre)
    180 to 360 lbs per acre
    2 lb for plots of 100 to 160 sq.ft.
    According to research calculations, Neem cake seems to make soil more fertile due to an ingredient that blocks soil bacteria from converting nitrogenous compounds into nitrogen gas. It is a nitrification inhibitor and prolongs the availability of nitrogen to both short duration and long duration crops.

    Advantages of Universal Neem Cake:

    Neem cake organic manure protects plant roots from nematodes, soil grubs and white ants probably due to its content of the residual limonoids. It also acts as a natural fertilizer with pesticidal properties. Neem cake is widely used in India to fertilize paddy, cotton, sugarcane etc. Usages of neem cake have shown an increase in the matter in Tectona grandis (Teak). Acacia nilotica (Gum Arabic) and other forest trees.
    Neem cake is effective in the management of Insects and pests. The bitter principles of the soil and cake have been reported to have seven types of activities (a) antifeedant (b) attractant (c) repellent (d) insecticlde (e) nematicide (f) growth disruptor and (g) antimicrobial
    The cake contains salannin, nimbin, azadirachtin and azadiradione as the major components. Of these, azadirachtin and meliantriol are used as locust antifeedants while salannin is used as an antifeedant for the housefly.
    » It Acts as an Organic Manure and a pest repellent on all types of crops and soils.
    » It Acts as a natural fertilizer with pesticidal properties.
    » It Protects plant roots from nematodes, soil grubs and white ants.
    » It Increases dry matter In Tectona grandis (Teak). Acacia nilotica (gum Arabic tree) and other forest trees.
    » Acts as a nitrification inhibitor and prolongs the availability of nitrogen to short duration and long duration crops.
    » Increases the efficiency in the usage of nitrogenous fertilizer
    » Minimizes the requirement of nitrogen in crop production and hence reduces the cost of fertilizer application.
    » Improves the soil condition considerably and protects the soil during drought.

    Universal Karanja 0il:

    The oil derived from the Karanja or Pongam tree (Pongamia glabra) has incredible lnsecticidal qualities. A truly useful plant the beautiful karanja has been valued for many centuries in its native India. Now grown widely throughout the Indian subcontinent, it is also found in Australia, Florida, Viet Nam, Hawaii, Malaysia, Oceania, Philippines, and Seychelles.
    Remarkably adaptable, this tree can grow in a variety of ecologies, and can even tolerate limestone and rooting in salt water. Karanja oil is cold pressed from seeds. The oil is reddish brown and rather viscous and non-edible. What make the karanja oil so valuable, though, are its insecticidal and antiseptic qualities. In Ayurvedic and folk medicines the oil is used for biliousness, eye ailments, itch, leucoderma, rheumatism, skin diseases, worms, and wounds.
    We recommend using karanja oil mixed with neem oil to treat mange in pets. Mix 1-2 ounces into a shampoo or lotion base to treat in formulation, use up to 10%. The scent can be covered using fragrance or essential oils. The active ingredient in karanja oil is the liminoid karanjin. It content is above 20.000, ppm
    Uses of Universal Karanjan Oil:

    The Karanja oil has been used by the natives of India for hundreds of years. It has lnsecticidal, antiseptic, antiparasitic and cleansing properties. It is used in Ayurvedic and Siddha. Karanja Oil is also used in leather dressing, soap making and in the manufacture of lubricants. Pharmaceutical preparations based on Karanja oil are used for treating skin diseases including scales, herpes and leucoderma. It has been used very effectively in the treatment of scabies, itch, herpes, eczema and maggot infested sores. The oil mixed with equal parts of lime or lemon juice is used as a liniment for treating rheumatic pains and psoriasis.

    We declare that we would be proud to work for your satisfaction in quality and without flaws in manufacturing our product.

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