Recent content by garao56

  1. garao56

    Question We want help in maintaining a Paulownia plantation Farm in India

    Please contact the Director, Central soil & Water Conservation Research & Training Insttitute, Dehradun on cultivation of paulowina trees
  2. garao56

    Question Multilayer farming.

    Please inform the exact place such as state , region /district et
  3. garao56

    Question How to Get rid of junglee grass?

    First go for deep ploughing with mould board plough (tractor mounted), then go for herbicides initially. After taking up cultivation , mechanical interculture followed by manual weeding. Deep cultivation in summer supplemented by 2,4 – D Sodium salt at 2-4 kg/ha before onset of monsoon...
  4. garao56

    Question Green house farming

    Small size green house/poly house in about 5 cents costing around below Rs.5.00 Lakhs, No company will come and execute the work, please try yourself by purchasing the material
  5. garao56

    Question Setting up a new mushroom farm

    The minimum estimated cost will be around Rs. 10 Crores
  6. garao56

    Question Details about spirulina .

    Market demand has to be established first
  7. garao56

    Question Tree Saplings wanted in Thenkulapakkam, Tindivanam, Villupuram District. Tamilnadu

    What variety of forest trees are required please inform, in Tamil Nadu forestry is given much importance , please approach the forest nurseries.
  8. garao56

    Opinion What is organic farming - soil

    If you are taking up organic farming we will guide you
  9. garao56

    Question Turmeric Processing Unit

    Dear sir (vtyagi69) please inform location of your farm land.
  10. garao56

    Question Colour Capsicum

    Dear sri Gopipc, please go for shadenet cultivation or poly house , if subsidy from NHB is required there should be above 2.50 acres area for setting up of poly houses. Please think of and take decision. For further guidance please consult us .
  11. garao56

    Question How to Get rid of junglee grass?

    What is the terrain of the land please inform. If it is plain land please arrange for deep ploughing
  12. garao56

    Wanted Required Expertise for Farming and other agricultural activities

    Please inform what are the fruit crops and field crops you want to take up on the farm
  13. garao56

    Question ASPARAGUS

    The asparagus is cultivated for its tender shoots, commonly know as spears. It starts yielding sizable crop after about three years and with good cane gives an economic yield for about 10- 15 years. The yield goes on increasing ( or 6-7 years, then remains uniform up to about 12 years, after...
