Goat Farm Solutions



Dear Sir,

I am Manjunath. from Tumkur. i have 4 hecre of dry land so i am very much intrested in goat and cattle forming. so i need a training. so can you help me to get details and training.

also following details.

*Government schemes for goat farms
*Government subsidy
*loan obtained for goat farm,required documents.
*which bank provides u the loan
*vaccination for your goats
*Best variety of goats


Manjunath. G
+91 9900004139
e mail: g_manjuprem@yahoo.co.in


Well-Known Member
Dear manjupre,
Visit your nearest KVK or livestock development office of your district,they will surely provide you some details of nearest training centers of your district.Also for complete details on goat farming you can refer our goat farm project report which will surely provide you worthy knowledge on goat farming which is essential before starting a new goat farm.
Osmanabadi Goat
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Well-Known Member
Dear psnsabari
For applying the loan you need a proper goat farm project report and security whose evaluation should be double to loan amount.
After getting the loan,you will be applicable to avail goat farm subsidy under NABARD.
Read my previous posts regarding loan documents and subsidy.
Osmanabadi Goat

i am planning to start a goat farm
i need advice...is it a profitable business....after putting all the efforts...will it give me the satisfaction...
please advice me about:
1..government loan
2..complete lay out structure of the farm
3..minimum investment
4..minimum land
and any advice useful for the goad farming..




Well-Known Member
dear kapilthecool,
Presently goat farming is the most profitable business as the meat prices are reaching sky,due to its low production and increased population.Presently India is facing 50,00,000 shortage of goats every year for slaughtering so as to fulfill the demand of meat.
Profitability of a goat farm depends on ones management and goat farming practices.If you start your farm without pertaining accurate and complete knowledge on goat farming,surely you will face heavy losses.
It always recommended to visit any well managed goat farm before starting your new farm.
1.Read My previous posts.
2.Layout depends on number of goats.
3.Depends on Infrastructures that you have and that you wont have like land,electricity,fodder etc and number of goats.Better to look our project report
4.For 100 goats 5 acres of land is required to cultivate fodder and a small amount of it for shed.


New Member

I would like to have YOUR project report on goat form

kindly message me you details or SMS on 09632320002

Rathina Kumar


Well-Known Member
You can avail finance from any nationalized bank by keeping collateral security (land,building) with them.
There is 25% subsidy for open caste and 33.3% subsidy for reserved category under NABARD,for commercial goat farming.NABARD offices are located at every districts,Livestock development office(Animal Husbandry Department).

State government conducts lots of goat farming schemes for small farmers like providing 10 female and 1 male goat or providing small amount to construct the shed for 10 goats,providing chaff cutter machines,providing silage pit construction cost,providing green and concentrated fodder to 10 goats throughout the year.These schemes changes from state to state as these are state government schemes.
want to know abt the financial institutions and subsidy


Well-Known Member
Signs of heat in a doe
A doe's heat cycle is approximately every 18-21 days,A doe may exhibit any, all, or none of these signs(Every Goat Is Different).

"Flagging" (wagging) her tail.
Mounting other does.
Letting other does mount her.
Letting herself get beat up without defending herself.
Having a "crush" on another doe.
No interest in feed.
Swollen and/or pink rear end.
Mucous discharge from her vagina
Her side tail hair is wet and/or clumped together.
Yelling for no reason.


New Member
Hello sir i am Dayakar Reddy from Hyderabad.I am planning to start a 200+10 goat farm. I prefer Osmanabad and telangana potla breeds.I have 2 acres of land with government value of 40 lacks.how much loan amount will be sanctioned by the NABARD.I am ready to mortgage the land.what will be the total cost of the farm.


Well-Known Member
Dear Dayakar Reddy,
NABARD wont sanctions any loan,its the bank who sanctions the loan and NABARD sanctions the subsidy only,that too only after getting loan.Without loan,NABARD wont sanction any subsidy.Generally bank sanctions the loan,half of the amount equivalent to mortgage.Costing of farm depends on type of breed,its price,land available,extra land requirement and other infrastructures,for which you have to follow the Goat Farm Project Report.



New Member
Hi Dr.shaikh,
Thanks for starting such a helpfull thread.
I have a negibhour,he is breeding goats,i dont know its type these are brown coloured spotted goats,recently two of its goats has been died within 14 hrs,he is unable to find the cause,may i know the correct cause and the remedies available for it.What are the further precautions to avoid suct type of tragedy?


Well-Known Member
Dear sriramaking,
The goat breed which your neighbor breeding is sirohi,as per your description.
You have not mention the other causes that the goats were showing before they died.Like-do they have high temperature,if they were suffering from cold,having runny nose,shivering moments if any,stop feeding at all,staying alone in a corner,fatten stomach etc.
Generally the rapid death of a goat occurs mainly due to pneumonia,there are several types of pneumonia in goats whose classification depends on the symptoms in goats.
A goat suffering from any type of pneumonia must have to be treated within 12 hrs after showing the symptoms or it may get die if not treated,or even if its being improperly treated.
Goats suffering from pneumonia,must have to vaccinate immediately with inj.intacef Tazo 500mg,2cc avil or cpm,2cc bcomplex,2cc dexa methasone(if its not pregnant),injecting dexamethasone to a pregnant goat can cause an abortion.All the vaccines must have to be vaccinated under veterinary supervision.
Vaccinate the goats for P.P.R.,E.T,H.S and black quarter to avoid any further death like this.
There are lots of diseases in goats which you must have to be vaccinated them,before their epidemic,which are properly explained in my project report.


Well-Known Member
yes all details on profitable goat farming and thalassery breed are given in my project report.
