Dr. Sarita Srivastava from Rudrapur, Uttarakhand is the Director Suvernada Foundation; Retd. Professor and Head, Department of Foods and Nutrion, GB Pant University of Ag and Tech, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand. She says, ” Diabetes is increasing in the world at an alarming rate. Unfortunately, India is also highly affected and is designated as the diabetic capital of the world. The numbers of diabetics are increasing from 51 million people in 2010 to an expected 87 million in 2030. The Indians are more susceptible to diabetes partially because of their genetic constitution and partially because of environmental factors. Thus, there is a need to emphasize on modifiable risk factors like diet for the management of diabetes. Interventions are required to control the poor dietary choices and change in the lifestyle. Food plays a crucial role in control and prevention of diabetes. In recent years, functional foods are gaining a lot of importance in the management of diabetes. Small millets are one such food which possess nutraceutical properties and are being explored for the prevention of diabetes. The low glycemic index of food products helps in controlling rise in blood sugar. Incorporation of low GI foods in daily diet leads to long term control of diabetes” .